Wednesday, July 25, 2007


July 5: Syrian Troops Penetrate 3 Kilometers into Lebanese Territories
July 6: Possible Eruption of Violent Crisis in Lebanon After July 15
July 10: Olmert was offering to talk peace with Syria (Syria was preoccupied)
July 24: Syria Occupies Lebanon. Again.
As of this minute, Syria occupies at least 177 square miles of Lebanese soil. That you are now reading about it for the first time is as much a scandal as the occupation itself.

Michael Totten has also been writing about this.

Of course, if Israel were doing something like this...

By the way, is this a bad time to mention the ethnic cleansing and land grabbing in Darfur?
Arabs pile into Darfur to take land 'cleansed' by janjaweed

Arabs from Chad and Niger are crossing into Darfur in "unprecedented" numbers, prompting claims that the Sudanese government is trying systematically to repopulate the war-ravaged region.

An internal UN report, obtained by The Independent, shows that up to 30,000 Arabs have crossed the border in the past two months. Most arrived with all their belongings and large flocks. They were greeted by Sudanese Arabs who took them to empty villages cleared by government and janjaweed forces.

If it can't be blamed on Israel, it's not worth writing about.

Technorati Tag: and and and .

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