Tuesday, July 24, 2007

UN DOES THEIR JOB AS ONLY THEY KNOW HOW: In Lebanon, the UN and Hizbullah make unlikely bedfellows
The UN peacekeepers are led by elite European troops and are charged with helping the Lebanese Army ensure that the tense border remained calm.

But a year on, UNIFIL still finds itself under threat, not from the Shiite Hizbullah, but from suspected radical Sunni militants possibly inspired by Al Qaeda. And in a bizarre twist, some UNIFIL contingents are now seeking the cooperation of the powerful Hizbullah, which also views militant Sunnis as a threat, to help provide tacit security for the peacekeepers, Hizbullah and UNIFIL sources say.
Good to know that UNIFIL continues to do it's job as an impartial force to keep the peace between Israel and the terrorists who have murdered hundreds of Americans not to mention bombing Israeli cities.

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