Thursday, August 16, 2007

ABBAS PROMISES TO U.S. ARE AS SACRED AS THE ONES TO ISRAEL: While House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer waxes eloquent...
“I think the leadership of Mr. Abbas and Dr. Fayyad gives hope,” he added. He said both men promised him that there would be no reconciliation or future power-sharing with Hamas. “We are hopeful that their observations are accurate. We hope that history proves that the leadership of the Palestinian people will have learned that terrorism doesn’t work as a policy. We hope that will be communicated to all the Palestinian people. We also hope the policy will be to vigorously oppose those who use terror. If that is the case, I believe we can move forward.”
...Abbas is ready to run back to Hamas:
Just days after promising US lawmakers that his Fatah movement would not reconcile with Hamas, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas is inviting the Islamist movement to kiss and make up.
And of course no reconciliation can be complete without the universal good-will gesture: releasing terrorists:
More Fatah Good-Will Gestures to Hamas
Fatah released nine Hamas terrorists in Bethlehem. The men had been arrested last months for organizing terror cells in Judea and Samaria.
No bigee.

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