Thursday, August 16, 2007

ON ISRAELI ARAB EQUALITY: In the context of the issue of the JNF leasing land only to Jews, Morton A. Klein and Irwin Hochberg of ZOA write:
Like Israeli Jews, Israeli Arabs are members of the cabinet, Knesset and law courts; they are consul-generals and attend Israeli colleges, medical and law and graduate schools. They have full voting rights, citizenship, medical insurance and pension plans. One of the few differences is that they are not required to perform military service, but that is hardly a case of discrimination; rather, it shows great sensitivity to Israeli Arabs. In fact, if the Blacks of South Africa had enjoyed the same rights as the Arabs in Israel, discrimination would never have been a serious issue there.
Then there is the flip-side to the equation--what is going on in the surrounding Muslim countries:
It is also surprising that those organizations opposed to this bill are not on record in condemning genuine racism and discrimination in the practices of many Arab states. In the Palestinian Authority, as well as in Jordan and other Arab states, it is illegal to sell any land to Jews under punishment of death. Saudi Arabia, in addition to such practices, bans any expression of religion other than Wahhabi Islam. There are no churches or synagogues, or even non-Islamic religious services, permitted by Saudi law, and women are prohibited from driving cars. Where are the critics when it comes to genuine human rights abuses in Arab states? Why, instead, do they seek to limit the rights of Jews to lease privately owned land in Israel purchased for that very purpose?
Of course Klein and Hochberg are not being completely serious.
It is not "surprising" at all.

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