Tuesday, August 14, 2007

ANARCHY IN WORD AND DEED. Media Backspin points out that at a time when Ramadan Shalah, Secretary General of Islamic Jihad, admits the security fence is a deterrent to terrorist attacks, along comes Anarchists Against The Wall cutting down a part of that fence in Surif near Hebron in the West Bank--and posts a video of the deed on YouTube:

For all their accusations about IDF brutality, they damage areas of the fence, knowing that all they risk is jail time--if even that. After one act of vandalism, Arutz Sheva reported "no arrests have been made, despite the fact that police are aware of the identities of the perpetrators."

In the meantime, while the anarchists are busy damaging Israel's defense against terrorism, Hamas has not been idle:
the news that has been trickling out of Gaza over the past few days portends an even bigger horrorshow. Yesterday Hamas banned "unauthorized" public gatherings, and this morning clubbed participants at a pro-Fatah protest; Hamas is intimidating journalists, shutting down media offices, and confiscating cameras and film; the purge within Gaza continues, including gun battles with Islamic Jihad and persecution of Fatah members; and on Friday, security thugs violently broke up a wedding celebration that was attended by members of Fatah, beating people and driving trucks through the party (video of this barbarism is on Youtube).
And of course Fatah members laugh at the idea of disarming.

There is plenty of anarchy in the area already. These people would do better to take the advice offered by The Jerusalem Post back in 2003:
The complaint of the Palestinians and their fellow travelers generally boils down to "it all started when he hit me back." Want to help the Palestinians? Tell them to stop attacking Israel, and the record shows that Israel will quickly reciprocate by easing its onerous security measures. It is Palestinian terrorism that is building the fence, with the help of its supposed friends. [quoted on Media Backspin]
The advice is still relevant today--and is still being ignored.

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