Tuesday, August 14, 2007

THESE DOTS DON'T CONNECT: Policy decisions coming out of Great Britain don't seem to match the situations they are meant to deal with.
How can The House of Commons' Foreign Affairs Committee say:
"Given the failure of the boycott [of Hamas] to deliver results, we recommend the government should urgently consider ways of engaging politically with moderate elements within Hamas," the all-party group of lawmakers said.
When it is being reported that
Shortages in raw materials slowing production of makeshift rockets, lead to decline in rocket fire from Gaza.
Why would Great Britain want to open the flow of money to terrorists and make it possible to replenish the resources Hamas needs to fire rockets into Israel?

And how is it that
The British government has blocked almost one third of British military exports to Israel this year, citing possible threats to regional stability and fears the equipment might facilitate human rights violations.
When we have seen that
the news that has been trickling out of Gaza over the past few days portends an even bigger horrorshow. Yesterday Hamas banned "unauthorized" public gatherings, and this morning clubbed participants at a pro-Fatah protest; Hamas is intimidating journalists, shutting down media offices, and confiscating cameras and film; the purge within Gaza continues, including gun battles with Islamic Jihad and persecution of Fatah members; and on Friday, security thugs violently broke up a wedding celebration that was attended by members of Fatah, beating people and driving trucks through the party.

There isn't much to say about this situation. Gaza's slide toward Islamist thug state, a mini-Iran without the oil revenue, is continuing apace.

How can Great Britain cut back on aid to Israel while wanting to open up financial assistance to a terrorist group that is clearly causing the kind of instability that Great Britain claims to want to prevent? Is this concern for stability coming from the same country that is pulling troops out of Iraq?

Just what is driving their policy--other than fear.

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