Monday, August 27, 2007

Video-sharing Web site YouTube has met with harsh criticism in Germany for hosting clips that incite racial hatred, according to a news report due to be broadcast on German public TV late on Monday.

The videos hosted on YouTube include clips of a 1940 anti-Semitic propaganda film "Jud Suess" and two music videos of outlawed German far-right rock band Landser, which show footage from World War II depicting Nazi military operations.

Report Mainz, which is due to air the program, said in a statement that Social Democrat (SPD) parliamentarian Dieter Wiefelspuetz said airing the clips on YouTube in Germany was scandalous. Report Mainz quoted him as saying: "Publishing these films amounts to aiding and abetting incitement of the people."

...Neo-Nazi violence in Germany has reached its highest level since reunification in 1990.
You can expect Google/YouTube to come back with protestations of Free Speech and how intelligent people know the score etc., but it is good to see some attention given to YouTube's bias: you'll be hard pressed to find parallel videos that criticize--let alone attack--Islam.

[Hat tip: Hot Air Headlines]

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