Monday, August 27, 2007

PRO-PALESTINIAN IN NAME ONLY. On the escalating Palestinian violence in areas where Israel has left, James Taranto writes:
The tragic condition of the Palestinians underscores the lack of realism behind the view that the Middle East's problems could be solved if only Israel were willing to make peace. At this juncture, the Palestinians simply do not have a political culture capable of producing peace, even domestically. There is nothing "pro-Palestinian" about those who accept this state of affairs and seek to blame Israel for the Palestinians' problems. [emphasis added]
Gee, it's almost as if these people were more interested in the destruction of Israel than in the establishment of a Palestinian state...

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1 comment:

  1. Gee, it's almost as if these people were more interested in the destruction of Israel than in the establishment of a Palestinian state...

    ARE YOU KIDDING? No one could possibly be interested in the Destruction of Israel--at least thats what Cristiane Imawhore told me


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