Thursday, August 23, 2007

HILLARY: MALIKI, NO; ARAFAT, YES. On Hillary Clinton's statment that Maliki of Iraq must go, Andy McCarthy writes:

All that said, though, shouldn't Senator Clinton have a higher standard to meet in explaining why Maliki is unacceptable? This is the same former First Lady who actively encouraged her husband's embrace of Yasser Arafat — a poisonously corrupt master terrorist the Clintons cultivated as a statesman, repeatedly hosted at the White House, and got a second intifada for their troubles. Plus, we now know that, through all that time, the government knew Arafat had ordered the cold-blooded murder of American diplomats in Sudan in 1973.

Shouldn't Sen. Clinton have to explain on what basis Arafat was acceptable but Maliki isn't?
Maybe because she was so impressed by Suha Arafat?

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