Thursday, August 16, 2007

KIND OF THE NY EQUIVALENT OF KNIGHTING SALMAN RUSHDIE? What were they thinking when they made Danielle Salzberg, an Orthodox Jewish woman and pro-Israel Zionist, the principal of a new Khalil Gibran International Academy? Didn't they expect the negative backlash?
The Department of Education "spit" in the face of Arabs with the appointment of a Jewish woman as principal of the city's new Arabic-themed school, a Muslim activist said yesterday.

"It doesn't make any sense," Zein Rimawi said of the appointment of Danielle Salzberg.

"It's like somebody spit in our face as Arabs," said Rimawi, a founder of the Islamic Society of Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, and an organizer with the Arab Muslim American Federation.
Meanwhile, in another article--apparently in a parallel oblivious universe:
While Salzberg is still technically an interim principal, a Department of Education spokeswoman said the agency wants to install her permanently.

"I'm sorry the last woman didn't work out, but I think we're better off going on and attacking the problem again and we've got the right person this time," Mayor Bloomberg said.

It's only a matter of time before Salzberg is replaced. The question is whether Debbie Almontaser is reinstated.

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