Thursday, August 16, 2007

'YOUR SHIRT OFFENDS ME'. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) found that the University of Maryland at College Park “clearly and substantially restricts freedom of speech.”
A recent incident at the Maryland Food Collective, a shop in the College Park student union, is a disturbing case in point. A student seeking to pay for groceries was stopped by the clerk. “Your shirt offends me, I won’t ring you up,” the clerk said of the message stamped on the student’s T-shirt, “I Stand for Israel.” After much hand-wringing and political posturing by co-op and school officials, the student got her food after being checked out by a different clerk. Then she apologized to the offended clerk and offered a chocolate cake as proof of the sincerity of her apology for being “offensive.”
In this case the hand-wringing was done on behalf of the offended clerk--but in a parallell case where the shirt read "I Stand for Palestine," who would have been required to apologize to whom?

[Hat tip: Powerline]

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