Monday, September 17, 2007

...And Britain Doesn't Even Have a Lobby!

I'm not all that impressed with Richard Cohen's response to Mearheimer and Walt--he manages to criticize and agree with them at the same time while defending and disparaging Israel almost simultaneously. But here is an interesting point he makes, that Israel may be something of a strategic liability:
But so, in a way, is Britain. Who needs that soggy isle, scepter'd or not? In a fight, it would be of little consequence. In 2006, Britain spent about $60 billion on its military. The United States spent $529 billion. You could argue, therefore, that Britain is a strategic burden -- and some made precisely that argument in the run-up to World War II.
Personally, I think that Mearsheimer and Walt are a liability to the kind of clear and unbiased thinking that should be going into US policy.

But have you gotten a look at their lobby?

Technorati Tag: and and and and .

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