Monday, September 17, 2007

Does Olmert Think The Feeling Is Mutual?

Olmert respects Assad, a totalitarian leader who has Lebanese leaders assassinated:
"We want to make peace… we are willing to make peace with Syria unconditionally and without demands. I have a lot of respect for the Syrian leader and the Syrian policy," Olmert said in a meeting with Russian reporters at his Jerusalem residence.
Olmert also respects Abbas:
Olmert said that he "stood behind" Abbas and backed him to lead the PA in support of the principles of the international quartet.
There is a good reason that Olmert stands "behind" Abbas--and not "beside" him:
I have great respect for Abu Mazen (Abbas). When we will sit around the negotiation table he will be very intransigent," Olmert said in a televised interview aired to people attending the conference.

"He is a Palestinian patriot, not Israeli. He will fight for Palestinian interests like a lion. But he is a decent man, he opposes terror. He is under pressure from terror groups and has no power to oppose them and overpower them."
Just the kind of person to negotiate with and give money and arms to.

So Olmert has all kinds of respect for a totalitarian leader and the head of Fatah.
Does Olmert think the feeling is mutual?

[Hat tip: Hot Air Headlines]

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Olmert is dummer than dirt if he thinks that.

    My God, Israel needs him gone and fast!


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