Monday, September 17, 2007

Michael Mukasey: Attorney General and Former Chatan Bereishit

So you want to know more about Bush's appointee to be the new Attorney General?
Check out the Kehilath Jeshurun Bulletin, September 2004 (page 5):
Hon. Michael Mukasey

What a privilege it is for us to be able to honor the Hon. Michael Mukasey, Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.

An alumnus of Ramaz, class of 1959, Judge Mukasey received his B.A. from Columbia in 1963 and an LL.B. degree from Yale Law School in 1967. A recipient of an honorary doctorate from Brooklyn Law School, he also won the Federal Bar Council's Learned Hand Medal for Excellence in Federal Jurisprudence.

Judge Mukasey served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Criminal Division for the Southern District of New York and was a partner in Patterson, Belknap, Webb, & Tyler until his appointment to the federal bench in November, 1987. He also presently serves as Adjunct Professor of Law at Columbia Law School.

His wife, Susan, served Ramaz for 25 years with great distinction as a teacher and then as Headmistress of the Lower School. His children, Marc and Jessica, are both alumni of the school and he is the proud grandfather of two grandsons, William and Benjamin, born to Jessica and Corey Barkoff.

As will be apparent from our presentation of him on Shemini Atzeret, it is particularly gratifying for Kehilath Jeshurun to honor this outstanding jurist and heroic, American Jew. He and his family have made sacrifices for their commitment to America and to Judaism on a level reached by very few. It is our honor to honor him.
What more can you say?
Mazel Tov!

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  1. Anonymous5:27 PM

    I had heard that Judge Mukasey was shomer shabbos but never was able to confirm it.

    I appeared before him on a few occasions and found him to be tough as nails but extremely fair.

  2. i thought he was irish-mulkahey

  3. Anonymous11:49 PM

    strange though, cuz the nytimes says he interviewed with bush on september 1st, which was a saturday.


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