Thursday, December 06, 2007

New Site Counters Peace Now--The Organization That Does Not Legally Exist

A new Hebrew website has be started by activist Aryeh King to combat Peace Now: An English version of the site is in the works. Among other things, the site gives background on the founders of the group and information about the various lawsuits that have been filed against the group.

According to Arutz Sheva, the site has 3 goals:
To reveal the truth regarding the radical organization known as Peace Now; to enable mutual help among those who have been hurt by Peace Now in sharing information and the like; and to encourage judicial and other legal actions against Peace Now and its activists.
Apparently, one of the truths is that Peace Now is not legally recognized:
In response to an earlier suit by King against Peace Now demanding an award for damages, [Peace Now co-founder Tzali] Reshef said that Peace Now cannot be sued because it is not technically a legally-recognized association. King then countered with a suit demanding that Peace Now be erased from all the cases it itself brought against Jewish interests in Judea and Samaria.

"If it can't be sued, then it can't sue," King says. He expresses astonishment that the State Prosecution - headed until last week by Peace Now co-founder Eran Shendar - never "realized" that the many court suits filed over the years by Peace Now were illegal.
Another piece of background information about Peace Now is
the fact that Peace Now was funded to the tune of nearly two million shekels by European Union countries in 2003 - including from the Foreign Ministries of Great Britain and Norway - as well as another 1.75 million in 2005. In later years, reports independent researcher David Bedein, other EU countries joined in the funding, which was reached a total of five million shekels ($1.25 million) in 2006.
Considering the fact that Abbas and the PA--whose soldiers kill Israelis--are asking Europe for $6 billion dollars, Peace Now is a real bargain in comparison.

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