Thursday, December 06, 2007

Jerusalem Defends Herself

Israelis suing terrorists, Knesset MK's supporting Jewish rights in Hebron--and now even the soil of Jerusalem is defending herself against those who want to divide her and the Pro-Palestinian historians who want to write her out of history. David Hazony writes in Contentions:

As if last week’s discovery of a 2,500-year-old wall in Jerusalem, most probably built by the biblical Nehemiah, were not enough to affix ancient Jerusalem squarely in our historical eye, another major discovery has just been reported by the Israel Antiquities Authority: the Palace of Queen Helena, dating to the late Second Temple Period, or the mid-1st century C.E.. According to the Jerusalem Post (the article includes a stunning photo of the excavation), the site

includes massive foundations; walls, some of which are preserved to a height in excess of five meters and built of stones that weigh hundreds of kilograms; halls that are preserved to a height of at least two stories; a basement level that was covered with vaults; remains of polychrome frescoes, water installations, and ritual baths.

According to the report, the find suggests that ancient Jerusalem was much larger in area than previously thought.

Here are the lawsuits and MK actions so far:
o Zaka sues Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal in The Hague
o 150 Israeli citizens have initiated prosecution of the Wakf for destruction on the Temple Mount
o Israel is holding the PA responsible for terrorism
Two measures taken by the Knesset to prevent Olmert from giving away the farm:
o Knesset gives preliminary approval on Wednesday to a bill intended to hinder any division of Jerusalem in a future deal with the Palestinians.
o 54 MKs in the Knesset have signed a petition in favor of Jews' right of purchase in Hebron.
The battle has been joined.

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