Thursday, December 06, 2007

Saudi Arabia Allowed To Impose Dhimmi Law At Annapolis

I don't know how I missed this, but Yated Neeman didn't. True, Yated Neeman is not exactly The New York Times, but then again that would be a point in its favor:
Those who observed the ceremonies and speeches delivered at the US-sponsored Annapolis peace conference last week, only saw the aspects of the event that the US and Israeli governments and the media wanted seen. But hidden in plain sight in the diplomatic details and the media arrangements was a deeply disturbing ratification of a cynical double standard of discrimination against Israel and Jews which, shockingly and shamefully, received an implicit ratification by the US government.

Furthermore, this discrimination was directed specifically at the leaders of Israel, who meekly accepted this deliberate slight aimed not just at themselves but also towards their country, Israel, and its citizens. The Israeli government officials who represented Israel at Annapolis, led Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and Defense Minister Ehud Olmert, happily accepted the second class citizenship status of dhimmi traditionally imposed upon non- Muslims in Islamic societies. At the insistence of US ally Saudi Arabia, dutifully enforced by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Israeli government officials at Annapolis were not permitted to use the same door through which the Arab leaders entered the hall. Instead, the Israelis agreed, without complaint, to use the service entrance.

The representatives of more than a dozen Arab states who were in attendance at Annapolis boycotted the Israeli leaders present for the occasion, causing Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni to complain, “Why doesn’t anyone want to be seen speaking to me?”
Not surprisingly, Caroline Glick discusses this too.

So which is more absurd: Saudi Arabia, the despotic apartheid kingdom, demanding the Islamic law that imposes second class dhimmi status on non-Muslims? The US, the 'defender' of the free world, allowing this enabler of racism free reign? Or Israeli leaders, letting down Jews around the world with their meek acceptance of this debasement?

Annapolis is Condoleezza Rice's failure--but Israel's humiliation

Here is an interview with Max Boot, who was in Saudi Arabia. The first 2 1/2 minutes deal with what he saw there and how the House of Saud stays in power.

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1 comment:

  1. Particularly galling when Sec Rice brings up the specter of discrimination to explain her interest in a peace deal.
    David Horovitz also wrote about the discrimination, or at least a specific example.


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