Thursday, December 06, 2007

Abbas Has Met ALL Of Israel's Demands!

We are likely to see more attempts at making this absurd claim, in the interests of allowing Abbas once again to get away with avoiding his responsibilities as an alleged peace partner.

HonestReporting reports on an article in the Australian newspaper The Age, where Michael Shaik, the public advocate for Australians for Palestine, and Antony Loewenstein, co-founder the Independent Australian Jewish Voices claim that Abbas has seen to it that everything that Israel has required of him has been done.

If you find this difficult to believe, you are not alone. HonestReporting describes their argument that

The Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, had agreed to all of Israel's preconditions for negotiations by dissolving the Palestinian government of national unity, closing down more than 100 Hamas affiliated charities and sending Palestinian security forces into Nablus to liquidate the resistance cells that have held out against the Israeli army for the last seven years.

Actually, what Shaik and Loewenstein have done is take the desperate measures Abbas has instituted in the interests of self-preservation and recast it as Abbas generosity towards Israel.
Actually, Israel’s only real demands were a crackdown on Palestinian terror groups and recognition that Israel is a Jewish state. Abbas has done neither. Almost immediately after returning from Annapolis, he began repeating his stance that the Palestinians will never recognize Israel as a Jewish state. The PA has also begun asserting control over some of their cities, but Palestinian security chiefs have made it clear that the real objectives are an end to the anarchy sweeping the Palestinian areas, not Israel’s security. In other words, the security crackdown is meant to prevent Hamas from violently taking control of the West Bank as it did in the Gaza Strip.

Never has such a corrupt and inept leader found so many friends filled with such effusive praise--a sure sign that we are dealing with an enemy of Israel.

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