Thursday, February 07, 2008

The Eye Squad

From an email:

To assist the 7,500 North Americans and other Anglos who spend a year
in Israel, the EYE SQUAD provides a confidential, independent hotline for
those who are experiencing any type of distress. Members of the Eye Squad engage
young adults to communicate that he/she is not alone, and that there is
someone (a non-judgmental, impartial person) who exists outside the
school/program that will listen, empathize and give constructive


o The Eye Squad Goes Live!
o Promoting the Eye Squad
o Introducing Our Staff
o Training Squad Members
o Funding the Eye Squad
o Who's Who on the Advisory Committee

The Eye Squad Goes Live!

After months of planning, research, hiring staff, meeting with
educators, therapists, students, parents and heads of schools, fundraising and
tackling the logistics of putting together a state of the art communications
network, the Eye Squad will go live this week!
With our confidential, independent 24 hour hotline, the Eye Squad will start answering the needs of post high school North Americans and other Anglos spending a year in Israel. As you will read through this update, we are trying as best we can to let everyone know that we are here to help. Parents are also welcome to contact the Eye Squad

I look forward to sharing with you our successes and challenges as the weeks and months go by. Allow me to thank you for your interest in the Eye Squad and your desire to assist us in making a difference in the lives of the 7,000 North Americans in Israel for the year.

Sincerely yours,

Aaron S. Tirschwell
Founder and Director

Check out the Eye Squad web site.

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