Thursday, February 07, 2008

Tinpot Dictators and Terrorists

At this point, the world is content to equate the two. As a result, Hamas disregarding borders and flooding Egypt with Palestinian Arabs carrying counterfeit money raises no reaction.

Neither will this:

Hamas Confiscates Humanitarian Aid

Hamas terrorists confiscated 14 trucks full of food and medicine in Gaza on Thursday. The Red Crescent had planned to distribute the supplies to 8,000 needy families.

Hamas spokesmen claimed that the aid was going to be distributed to former Fatah leaders, and not to other needy Gaza Arabs. The Red Crescent workers accompanying the supply trucks were arrested.
Since the world is silent when rockets are fired at Israeli civilians--except to condemn retaliation--Hamas is well aware that it is free to do anything it wants without interference.

The withholding of funds is a nuisance, but nothing that Hamas cannot get around and blame on Israel.

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