Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Man Behind 6 Million Muslims Converting To Christianity--Each Year

His name is Zakaria Botros: and though he may not be responsible for all 6 million conversions, he is a significant thorn in the side of Islamists:
Though he is little known in the West, Coptic priest Zakaria Botros [check out his website] — named Islam’s “Public Enemy #1” by the Arabic newspaper, al-Insan al-Jadid — has been making waves in the Islamic world. Along with fellow missionaries — mostly Muslim converts — he appears frequently on the Arabic channel al-Hayat (i.e., “Life TV”). There, he addresses controversial topics of theological significance — free from the censorship imposed by Islamic authorities or self-imposed through fear of the zealous mobs who fulminated against the infamous cartoons of Mohammed. Botros’s excurses on little-known but embarrassing aspects of Islamic law and tradition have become a thorn in the side of Islamic leaders throughout the Middle East.

...The result? Mass conversions to Christianity — if clandestine ones. The very public conversion of high-profile Italian journalist Magdi Allam — who was baptized by Pope Benedict in Rome on Saturday — is only the tip of the iceberg. Indeed, Islamic cleric Ahmad al-Qatani stated on al-Jazeera TV a while back that some six million Muslims convert to Christianity annually, many of them persuaded by Botros’s public ministry. More recently, al-Jazeera noted Life TV’s “unprecedented evangelical raid” on the Muslim world.
The reasons for his phenomenal success:
  • The new media — particularly satellite TV and the Internet
  • Botros’s broadcasts are in Arabic
  • His polemical technique has proven irrefutable.
Read the entire article from National Review.

MEMRI has 4 clips of Botros in action

Clip 1 - Coptic Priest Zakaria Botros: Verses Must be Struck from the Koran; I Demand an Official Apology from Muslim Governments to Christians [Clip / Transcript]

This includes Boutrus' 10 demands--including removing certain indencidary verses from the Koran.

Clip 2 - Coptic Priest Zakaria Botros: The Prophet Muhammad's Hadith Is Reminiscent of Hitler [Clip / Transcript]

Clip 3 - Coptic Priest Zakaria Botros on the Spreading of Islam By the Sword [Clip / Transcript]

The segment includes this piece:

..."This reminds me of a true story that I heard about the preachers who spread Islam in Africa. They reached a certain place in order to spread Islam, and they asked one of the locals: 'Do you prefer to worship one god and have four wives, or to worship three gods and have one wife?' We, of course, don't worship three gods, but that's what they said. The African said 'I like four women, and I don't care which god. I want four women.' So they told him to say the shahada, and he did.

"Then they told him he had to be circumcised in order to become a Muslim. He asked: 'Do I really have to? I am a grown man.' They answered: 'Yes, you have to, in order to get the monthly stipend, and you can marry four wives.' The man agreed, and underwent the pains of circumcision despite his advanced age. They began to pay him the monthly stipend, and after a few months they cancelled the stipend. The man went and asked: 'Where's the money?' They told him: 'Now you are deep in Islam, you don't need the monthly stipend any more.' He threatened: 'I will abandon Islam.' They said: 'If you leave Islam, we will carry out the apostasy punishment on you.' He asked what it was, and they said: 'We will chop off your head, and cut you into pieces.' This African man began to mumble: 'What a strange religion: when you go in they cut off a little piece of you, and when you go out, they cut you into little pieces.'

Clip 4: Coptic Priest Zakariya Botros: Islamic Scholars Attack Christianity to Cover Up Scandals in the Life of Prophet Muhammad [Clip / Transcript]

Islamists are so desperate to discredit Botros, they have a bogus video on YouTube--claiming that someone throwing a tantrum and spilling water on someone is Botros--see the above videos and it is clear the YouTube video is not of him.

May he have many disciples.

Technorati Tag: and .


  1. Excellent post!

    This is a remarkable development, one that is occuring under media radar.

    I found this post and your blog through the Link Viewer at little green footballs, and I'm currently writing about Zakaria Botros at Crossword Bebop.

    I do have one tiny request...that you make all the spellings of Botros's last name in your post the same.

  2. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Hello all!

    I have read what has been written here and I like to say that unfortunately, Zakariya Botros is a LIER! He lies so that he can draw many bad pics about Islam. Those who you say that they converted to christianity and I am sure they are lies as most recent studies proved islam as the largest growing religion.

    Islam is the largest growing religion that lives in peace with christianity. A muslim who invites a christian to Islam does not lie on him by telling him that christians worship incorrectly and mentioning some things that are lies about that. But a christian who is never a real christian like this man lies on people to let them think Islam is bad!!! He said that we finish our prayer by three actions of Salam!!!! Was he with us in our prayers?? We finish it by two not three!!

    So, I am not surprized for him to be the man of the year as he draw a false pictures that Muslims convert easily to the degree that you say that 6 millions converted!!! Almost all of them did not convert spiritual. Anyway, I mentioned that muslims live in peace with christians and that man wants to fire angry between them by his lies!

    Therefore, this man did not like the idea of Islam to be the fastest growing religion. However, the following YouTube videos prove that I am saying the truth (better to be knowing Arabic language to understand, otherwise, ask for someone to translate to you!).

    Zakariyah Botros runs away from religious discussion with Shaikh Abd-Alrahman Demashqiyyah

    Shaikh Muhammad Zughbi challenges Zakariyah Botros by religious discussion and Dr. Munther Al-Saqqar wants it.

    Zakariyah Botros Lies Part 1

    Zakariyah Botros Lies Part 2

    Zakariyah Botros Lies Part 3

    Zakariyah Botros Lies Part 7

    Zakariyah Botros Lies Part 8

    Zakariyah Botros Lies Part 14

    Zakariyah Botros Lies Part 15

    Zakariyah Botros Lies Part 19

    Zakariyah Botros Lies

    The interviewer of Zakariyah's Programs on TV lies concernign becoming christian

    A Muslim man who said that he became christian was found to be a lier!

    Priest Zakariyah Botros Runs Away from religious discussion with muslims part 2

    Zakariyah says bad words about Adam!

    Saying bad to whom they watch Al-Hayat TV channel

    The opinion of ...... (did not know how to translate it - similar to priest) Beshwi in Zakariyah Botros

    Therefore, what I want to say is that those who mentioned they converted into christianity are false-converters and I have a lot of proofs in Arabic Language concerning this, and look at the wikipedia article that I mention above that Islam is the fastest growing religion.

    And to whom he said that it reminded him with a story that a muslim is muslim bcz of four wives!! I am muslim because of Allah is the only GOD ... La Ilaha Illa Allah and because I feel that he is the strongest who can do anything to me, and I NEVER thought to marry even one girl!! So many of you christians lie on us!

    Finally, I invite you to read about Islam and why some priests hate it and developed a network for inducing conversions into christianity.

    Thank you.
    And Good Luck.

  3. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Of course he is the man of the year!! He lied on Islam, doesn't he lie and say muslims convert to christianity each year (6 million each year!!!) ... nice joke!

  4. Anonymous5:15 PM

    This is because some people considered him as such and mentioned his lies! However, he is not actually the man of the year in other magazines. Some scientists of christianity mentioned that one like Prophet Mohammad can solve all the words of the word today by drinking a cup of tea! Those are christian scientists not muslims.

  5. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Zakariya let 6 millions convert into christianity each year??? AMAZING!! Then why did you hide those who convert from christianity to Islam because of his lies???

  6. 4 comments posted within minutes of each other? Two of them using the phrase "lied on" instead of "lied about". Either the same person wrote the last 4 comments...or I watch too many episodes of Law and Order.

    In any case, in answer to your claim that Muslims live in peace with Christianity--if you are referring to today, perhaps that is true. Historically, however, Muslims treat Christians--and all non-Muslims--as dhimmis, second-class citizens.

    As far as your YouTube videos go, I do not know Arabic.

  7. Anonymous3:13 PM


    To be honest with you; I wrote all the four comments. You have to understand that muslims never lie.

    Concerning that christians were considered second-class, execuse me sir to explain it:

    Today, many of organizations are working to draw bad pics about islam. They say that muslims are terrorists, and what they did is an action of terrorism. Then, why don't you mention that Omar bin Al-Khattab gave you a promise to live free. Then were did you go away with the crusade wars that killed millions of poor people? Don't you read history?? Muslims during the period of crusades were inviting people to islam, and when the armies discovered that many became muslim without obligation, see, without obligation, they killed these muslims. So, muslims fight for those killed muslims, and they fight the ARMIES, not the people. You were considered exactly as muslims and the matter of "Jizzyah", it is money paid by you similar to money payed by muslims. It is true that non-muslims who want to live with muslims had to pay Jizzyah, but in the same time, you don't pay zakah. Zakah is obligated on muslims who have much many that stay for more than one year so that poor people can eat and live like rich. One day, a man was poor that he did not find Jizzyah, so Omar bin Al-Khattab forgave him and said "No one has the right to take money from this man, and take it from me for him!" This is islam, not what they draw about it like Botros. Further, they say that muslims are womanizers! AMAZING, they say that a muslim marries four and muhammad promises them with seventy in paradise!! Isn't muslim womanzier??? OK, let's check the answer:
    1- Muslim women will win over those seventy in paradise, and will be better than them.
    2- A muslim to marry the second one is controlled by certain rules. Muslim shall not marry one if his wife lacks weakness. Some weaknesses like impossible pregnancy allows the muslim to marry other one to bring babies to him. Assume muslim has to get divorced, then is that justice?
    3- You say muslim marries four and you forget the hundreds of girlfriends that one can live with in your community. I am wondering what is the most common cause of AIDS in USA???
    Islamic religion is not that you think of. It is better that you hear from muslims before you hear from others to believe that muslims are terrorists!
    I have many christian friends, and we all live in peace, but never thought in hatred because each live in peace and each understand that each one is not terrorist, and we all know who are the terrorists; check this out:
    You don't know arabic, so this link is english but not about zakariya botros. Let any arabic friend of yours translate the arabic videos to you and how Z.B. change in islamic religion to appear bad to eyes!!!

    Islam lover.

  8. Muslims never lie?

    Such an an absolute statement is obviously not true. You yourself were deceptive in writing 4 comments using different names.

    Or do you consider such deception permission as part of Al-Takeyya?--which of course raises the question of just how far lies and deceptions are permissible under Islam.

    About Omar bin Al-Khattab--were non-Muslims given the status of dhimmis or not? Was their testimony given equal weight in court or not?

    As far as the crusades go--are you saying they were not in response to Islamic conquests and occupations of foreign lands? Do you actually deny that the history of Islam is not full of bloody battles as Muslims fought to expand the Islamic Empire far beyond its borders? Just what were Muslims doing trying to enter France in 711 after occupying France.

    To condemn the Crusades which were spurred by the Muslim attack on Europe is hypocrisy.

    Muslims did not invite others to Islam; Muslims were conquering their land!

    You write: You were considered exactly as muslims and the matter of "Jizzyah", it is money paid by you similar to money payed by muslims

    Are you honestly saying that non-Muslims had full rights as Muslims?

    That is nonsense.

    Here is the truth about the Jizya, from Andrew Bostom, based on the sources:

    The writings of the much lionized Sufi theologian and jurist al-Ghazali (d. 1111) highlight how the institution of dhimmitude was simply a normative, and prominent feature of the Shari’a:

    …the dhimmi is obliged not to mention Allah or His Apostle.. .Jews, Christians, and Majians must pay the jizya [poll tax on non-Muslims]…on offering up the jizya, the dhimmi must hang his head while the official takes hold of his beard and hits [the dhimmi] on the protruberant bone beneath his ear [i.e., the mandible]… They are not permitted to ostentatiously display their wine or church bells…their houses may not be higher than the Muslim’s, no matter how low that is. The dhimmi may not ride an elegant horse or mule; he may ride a donkey only if the saddle-work is of wood. He may not walk on the good part of the road. They [the dhimmis] have to wear [an identifying] patch [on their clothing], even women, and even in the [public] baths…[dhimmis] must hold their tongue.

    Are you actually telling me that the tax on Muslims is similar? Obviously not.

    The jizya--which you bring up--is the perfect example of how Islam considers non-Muslims: both centuries ago and today.

    What you write about the claim that Muslims are womanizers is irrelevant as I have not brought that up.

    I am glad to hear that you have non-Muslim friends, but the fact remains that under Shariah, non-Muslims are treated as dhimmis, as second-class citizens, as clearly stated in Muslim primary sources such as al-Ghazali.

  9. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Thanks for answering.

    First: true muslims never lie.
    You mentioned that Islam allows muslims to lie under the name of islam. Actually, INCORRECT. You mentioned takiyya, but ALWAYS christians never differentiate between Sunnah and Shia'a. Some groups of Shia'a use this principle which you mentioned so far. In fact, our prophet PBUH mentioned that Islam will be divided to about seventy different groups; all of which are in hell except ONE: those who followed him correctly = sunnah.

    I will reply to the sources you mentioned about al-ghazali:
    1- This source is not an official site of Muslims. If youw want to bring me sources, bring from those official like: and here is the direct link for english version:
    Our source of shariah is Quran and Hadith. So, many islamic scientists can give their opinions, see opinions, based on these two sources, but the major ones remain quran and hadith.
    Quran told us that one who don't fight us shall not be fought. Hadith told us that upon going in battles, Eldery, women and children are not to be killed, and anyone who worships his own religion in his own place must be left freely worshipping. Those who are to be fought are those participating in the battle. Even animals and trees are excluded from being hurt also.

    If we return to history, we find that Constantine (constans) II attacked muslims ( True islam, that I believe in, does not induce killing. If so, then why don't I think in killing? Why don't I hate my christian friends?? Because I respect them and we live in peace.
    It is not surprising that you find resources over the internet that only aim to distort islam; first of which is "Tabsheer" through different orientalists.

    In reply to you, dear, about dhimmi, you did not mention very important things.
    Visit this:

    One of the official sites of Islam is
    When you translate books, you translate what you like and leave what you like. However, let us check if islamic official sites mention what you mentioned or oppose what you mentioned concerning Jizyah:

    "Wa`alaykum As-Salaamu Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

    In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

    All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

    Dear questioner, we would like to thank you for the great confidence you place in us, and we implore Allah Almighty to help us serve His cause and render our work for His Sake.

    In his well known book, Islam at the Crossroads, the well-known Muslim writer and author, Mohammad Asad, states the following:

    “One of the problems raised by the missionaries and orientalists is the imposition of tribute or jizyah on all non-Muslims. This institution has been so misinterpreted and misexplained that the non-Muslims feel that it is some kind of religious-based discrimination against them. This is not the case. All the jizyah amounts are to be a financial obligation placed upon those who do not have to pay the Zakah.

    As the ratio of these two taxes is the same, it is obvious that the jizyah is simply a technique used by Islamic governments to make sure that everyone pays his fair share. If the term ‘jizyah’ is too offensive to non-Muslims, it can always be changed: ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattab levied the jizyah upon the Christians of Bani Taghlib and called it sadaqah (alms) out of consideration for their feelings.
    The noted historian Sir Thomas W. Arnold in his Call to Islam, states:

    “This tax was not imposed on the Christians, as some would have us think, as a penalty for their refusal to accept the Muslim faith. Rather, it was paid by them in common with the other dhimmis or non-Muslim subjects of the state whose religion precluded them from serving in the army, in return for the protection secured for them by the arms of the Muslims. When the people of Hirah contributed the sum agreed upon, they expressly mentioned that they paid this jizyah on condition that ‘the Muslims and their leader protect us from those who would oppress us, whether they be Muslims or others.”

    In his covenant with the people of certain cities near Al-Haira, Khalid ibn Al-Walid, may Allah be pleased with him, recorded: “If we are able to protect you, we deserve the collection of jizyah; otherwise, we shall not offer you protection.”

    The seriousness with which the Muslims took their covenants with the non-Muslims is well illustrated by the following incident. During the reign of the second caliph, `Umar Ibn Al-Khattab, the Roman emperor Heraclius raised a huge army to repel the Muslim forces. It was thus incumbent upon the Muslims to concentrate their efforts on the battle. When the commander of Muslims, Abu ‘Ubaydah (may Allah be pleased with him) heard this news, he wrote to his officials in all conquered cities in Syria and ordered them to return the jizyah which had been levied in those cities. He also addressed the public saying; “We are returning your money because we know that the enemy has gathered troops. By the terms stipulated in the covenant, you have obliged us to protect you. However, since we are now unable to fulfill these conditions, we have returned to you what you paid to us. We shall abide by the terms agreed upon in the covenant, if Allah helps us to rout the enemy.”

    Thus, a huge amount was taken form the state treasury and returned to the Christians, making them very happy. They prayed for and blessed the Muslim commanders. They exclaimed, “May Allah help you to overcome your enemies and return you to us safely. If the enemy were in your place, they would never have returned anything to us, but rather they would have taken all our remaining property.”

    The jizyah was also imposed on Muslim men who could afford to buy their way out of military service. If a Christian group elected to serve in the state’s military forces, it was exempted from the jizyah. Historical examples of this abound: the Jarajima, a Christian tribe living near Antioch (now in Turkey), by undertaking to support Muslims and to fight on the battle front, did not have to pay the jizyah and were entitled to a share of the captured booty.

    When the Islamic conquests reached northern Persia in 22 A.H., a similar covenant was established with a tribe living on the boundaries of those territories. They were consequently exempted from jizyah in view of their military services.

    Other examples are to be found during the history of the Ottoman Empire: the Migaris, a group of Albanian Christians, were exempted from the jizyah for undertaking to watch and guard the mountain ranges of Cithaeron and Geraned (which stretch to the Gulf of Corinth). Christians, who served as the vanguard of the Turkish army for road repairs, bridge construction and so on were exempted form the kharaj.

    As a reward, they were also provided with some lands, free of all taxes. The Christians of Hydra were exempted when they agreed to supply a group of 250 strong men for the (Muslim) naval fleet. The Armatolis, Christians from southern Romania, were also exempted from the tax, for they constituted a vital element in the Turkish armed forces during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The Mirdites, an Albanian Catholic clan who lived in the mountains of northern Scutari, were exempted on the condition that they would offer an armored battalion in wartime. The jizyah was also not imposed on the Greek Christians who had supervised the building of viaducts, which carried water to Constantinople, nor on those who guarded the ammunition in that city, as just compensation for their services to the state. However, Egyptian Muslim peasants exempted from military service was still required to pay the jizyah.”

    In conclusion, dear brother, it’s clear in the light of the above-mentioned facts that the institution of jizyah can never be described as a discriminatory system staged against the non-Muslims. Testifying to that is the shinning history of the early Islamic State and the relation between Muslims and non-Muslims.

    May Allah guide you to the straight path, and guide you to that which pleases Him, Amen."

    Taken from:

    And concernign Jihad and its mis-understanding and that we like to fight, see constantine II above and see the following under the title of "Jizyah, Jihad or Islam":

    "Please, allow me first to clarify a few points regarding the mentioned three choices you stated.

    First of all, the three choices toward non-Muslims, particularly people of the Book, were not the position of only Abu Bakr (ra), but they were originally the position of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). This is as well as being the position of the rightly guided caliphs (ra) and most of the Muslim caliphs.

    Secondly, although these choices appear as three independent choices, they actually can be categorized into two categories only.

    * Accepting Islam; whereby the non-Muslim becomes a Muslim - an equal member of the ummah (Muslim nation). He/she shares the same rights and has the same obligations.

    * Rejecting Islam; if the non-Muslim community rejected Islam, then they have two choices…

    Paying the jizyah, which is a payment by the non-Muslim according to an agreement signed with the Muslim state. The word jizyah is derived from the Arabic word jazaa’ (reward, return, or compensation). Scholars disputed on the purpose of jizyah; is it a return for saving the non-Muslims’ lives - a return for protection, or is it a return for enjoying the same rights as the Muslims of the ummah? I personally disagree with the first, leaning towards the second.

    My evidence is the agreement between Khalid ibn al-Waleed (ra) and Saluba ibn Nastuna in Iraq. This agreement says:

    “This is a letter of Khalid ibn al-Waleed to Saluba ibn Nastuna and his people; I agreed with you on al-jizyah and protection. As long as we protect you we have the right in al-jezyah, otherwise we have none.”

    This agreement was signed in the year 12 after Hijrah. It was then adopted by all the governors and officials, who came after Khalid (ra).

    Imam al-Shafi`i summarized the rule of jizyah by saying that if the non-Muslims rejected Islam and accepted jizyah then, “on them is al-jizyah, and for them is the protection.”

    If the non-Muslim community - after rejecting Islam - refused to agree to the jizyah, then the only option left is fighting.

    However, brother Raza, one should perceive these options under the light of certain important elements:

    * The Islamic framework of launching jihad, which is governed by two conditions:

    In self-defense, when other communities and nations have attacked the Muslim ummah.

    In defending others, when another state is oppressing a section of its own people.
    * Full awareness of the social and political realities, regionally and globally. Islam is not a faith of dreamers or imaginers; it is the faith of realists. It is the faith of those whose endeavor is to implement the values of Almighty Allah (swt) in real life. Thus, the implementation of these values does not depend on miracles, but on real means. Also, this implementation is affected by constant universal laws and by the surrounding realties, within all aspects of life.

    In the early days of the Muslim state, Muslims fought on various fronts and against different nations. These three choices, you mentioned, were given to different people in different places. Yet, there is no doubt whatsoever that the intention of all the Muslims’ wars was not to convert people forcefully into Islam… These wars, as mentioned earlier, were self-defense against the aggression of other states, or defending others whom are oppressed in their lands.

    In addition, although Muslims initiated some of these wars against other nations, in their essence, they were defensive wars. These wars were against nations, which constituted a great threat to the Muslim ummah. In other words, these wars fall under the requirements of the national security of the Muslim ummah. This is similar to what is now a day classified as “clear and present danger.”

    Finally, the Muslim state - while fighting other empires - offered justice, equal rights, security, and protection. Therefore, as reported in the books of history, many non-Muslims, due to the rights and justice they enjoyed under the Muslim rulers, preferred to pay al-jizyah than to go back under sovereignty of the previous rulers.

    As regarding your question, Abu Baker (ra) and the rest of the rightly guided caliphs (ra) fought against external threats after the internal front was fixed. It was running according to the teaching and rules of Almighty Allah (swt). Thus, Muslims - spiritually and materially - were able to fulfill the obligations of jihad and to meet the requirements of the surrounding reality.

    Also - most importantly - the Muslim state had justice and protection, which can be offered and maintained. Contemporary Muslim countries, in contrast, have a long way to travel, in order to repair their internal fronts according to the teaching of Islam. This is even before exporting Islam outside their borders…

    If the issue is merely fighting, thus realistically speaking, the Muslim countries today are suffering from a power deficit. This makes them less able to confront many of the surrounding powers. Also, if the intent of fighting is to serve Islam, these countries cannot offer values that are not applied within their borders…

    Allah knows best.

    Taken from:

    And if Islam does not allow you in court as you mentioned, then visit the following link to see the first muslim who was elected to congress in USA:
    Why didn't America and other christian countries allow muslims to have the right in court???

    And concerning the story of "womanzier", I know you did not mention it, but other one mentioned it in a rediculous way that you replied to him in NOTHING!

    And don't SAY PRIMARY SOURCE!!!! Are you muslim or a leader of islam to say primary source?? Our primary source is:
    1- Quran.
    2- Hadith.

    I am muslim, but I don't believe in Takiyyah. Takiyyah is not mentione in neither quran nor hadith. Some people who deviated from the true path invented it!!!
    And I am sorry for using four topics, but at all did not lie!
    May allah guide you to the correct path.

    Lover of Allah, Islam and Prophet of Islam; Muhammad (PBUH).

    I bear witness that there is no god except for Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet.

  10. Anonymous5:53 PM

    But I forgot to say something about that they give their opinions:
    Our primary sources are Quran and Hadith. However, if there are matters that are not mentioned, this is driven to other sources that are still based on these two primary sources. Our prophet PBUH taught us that in such matters (smoking for example), islamic scientists judge on them using statements in quran and hadith that may help and there are two possibilities:
    1- they find the truth that allah wants for us, and by this he won two: the first that he looked for the truth and the second is that he found the correct path.
    2- they find incorrect one, and by this he won one: that he looked for the truth even if he found the incorrect one.

    Islam wants from us to learn, to work. No one who stays in home gains money!! And in the same time, no one gets Paradise if he does not work.

    If you want to buy a house, you work hard to bring money for it, right? What if it was the paradise: the merchandise of Allah!!?? IT IS MORE EXPENSIVE than this house, so you have to pay, and although you have to pay, Allah chose to us the easiest way:
    To pray
    To zakah
    To fast
    To hajj
    And to search welfare to people.
    This is the basis of islam!!!
    And not what orientalists have drawn!!!

    Thanks for your patience.

  11. You cannot have it both ways. You cannot reject the Muslim Al-Ghizali and then go ahead and quote multiple sources both Muslim and non-Muslim and expect me to be impressed.

    If only the Koran and the Hadith are all that can be referred to by me, then the same limitation should be followed by you as well.

    Palestine Media Watch has a video of a Sunni Muslim Imam quoting the Hadith. According to the summary:

    Genocide of Jews remains Hamas goal - March 30, 2007

    In a sermon on PA TV, Hamas spokesman Dr. Ismail Radwan made it clear that the classical Hamas ideology had not changed, including its continued incorporation of extremist Islamic beliefs into Hamas ideology and policy. He reiterated:

    1. The Hour – the Islamic Resurrection and End of Time– is literally dependent on the killing of Jews by Muslims.

    2. The remaining Jews will unsuccessfully attempt to hide, as the rocks and trees will expose them, calling out "there is a Jew behind me, kill him!"

    3. "Palestine… will be liberated through the rifle," a euphemism meaning that Israel will be destroyed through violence.

    Also, you have not addressed the Muslim conquests and multiple cases of occupation.

    Further, your source on dhimmis notes:

    Dhimmis were not subject to legal and social inferiority, and discrimination was , necessary, and "inherent in the system and institutionalized in law and practice," due to the fact that Dhimmis were not allowed to testify against a Muslim in court.

    and further Dhimmis were __often__ subject to violence and crimes committed by Muslims;

    These issues need to be addressed.

  12. Anonymous3:41 AM

    Hello again!

    Thank you for your reply.

    Concerning Al-Ghazali, he is a great imam and I never rejected him! I say that the resources you provided are either written by orientalists that did not mention the matter as it should be, or you misunderstanded, and this was brought to you previously from
    However, concerning what you written, first of all I like to mention that you did not answer me. You say that our religion is discriminating. So why the first muslim entered in congress was so recently??? If your religion, which is the primary religion of america, allows muslims in court then why history does not show that???
    Further, you did not mention the following concerning dhimmi, my dear:

    "Pact of Umar
    The supposed Pact of Umar between caliph Umar I and the conquered Christians was another source of regulations pertaining to dhimmis. The document enumerates the obligations and restrictions that the Christians purportedly proposed to the Muslim conquerors as conditions of surrender.[37] However, Western orientalists doubt the authenticity of the Pact, arguing that it is usually the victors, not the vanquished, who propose, or rather impose, the terms of peace, and that it is highly unlikely that the people who spoke no Arabic and knew nothing of Islam could draft such a document. Academic historians believe that the Pact of Umar in the form it is known today was a product of later jurists who attributed it to the venerated caliph Umar I in order to lend greater authority to their own opinions. The striking similarities between the Pact of Umar and the Theodesian and Justinian Codes suggest that perhaps much of the Pact of Umar was borrowed from these earlier codes by later Islamic jurists. At least some of the clauses of the pact mirror the measures first introduced by the Umayyad caliph Umar II or by the early Abbasid caliphs"

    Further, you deny the idea of killing of jews by muslims!!! Concerning this, allow me to explain some facts, my dear:
    1- Muslims do not fight for money or for obligation of islam, and the proof is that you have your right to worship any religion you like.
    2- Jews are those who always start, not muslims. Jews in muhammad's era were signing peace with muslims. But unfortunately, they broke it with muslims.
    3- We kill jews??? Is that applied on islamic, peaceful rules?? NEVER! But, my dear, look for those who kill children and women: THE JEWS! So why shall palestinians shut up and allow jews to kill them, where when muslims want to protect themselves and let jews go from their lands is TERRORISM?? See, my dear, who killed women in the following link:

    Do you know what is the difference between muslims and all other religions??? That muslims believe in the hidden future that ONLY Allah knows. The day that will come in which stone will say: there is jew behind me; kill him! is when jews kill children and women, and many scientists believe in that it is applied to the current situation of jews. Further, true jews refuse what currently israel makes. Israel is in fact a continuation of an organisation which all of us knows! So muslims will not fight those who don't fight. Even the matter of "Islam, Jizyah or Jihad" is misunderstood. This was only in cases of those muslims who invite others to islam. If islam obligates you to become muslim, then why arabic countries and other non-arabic countries in which islam is spread by this method are still muslims??? Why didn't they leave islam?? Further, why are there christians in muslim countries like middle east?? This is because islam does not obligate you to islam.


  13. Anonymous3:58 AM

    Back to the pact of Umar?
    Why did I mention it??

    I mentioned it to you so that you know how orientalists aim to distort Islam. Christians in palestine and nearby areas love Umar and they in fact name their sons omar in relation to Umar Bin Al-Khattab. So if this pact was not full of peace and was written by Umayyad umar, then why do they (christians) love Umar bin Al-Khattab??

    See how christians loved umar and how their reaction was:

    Pact of Umar:
    This is the Assurance of safety Aman which the worshipper of God [ the second Caliph ] Umar [
    Ibn al-Khattab ] , the Commander of the Faithful, ‘Ata has granted [ gave ] to the people of Aelia.

    In the name God, the most Merciful, the most Compassionate. This is the Assurance of safety [ aman ]
    which the worshipper of God [ the second caliph ] Umar [ Ibn al-Khattab ] , the Commander of the
    Faithful, has granted to the people of Aelia. He has granted them an Assurance of safety [ aman ] for
    their lives and possessions, their churches and crosses ; the sick and the healthy [ to everyone without
    exception ] ; and for the rest of its religious communities. Their churches will not be inhabited [ taken
    over ] nor destroyed [ by Muslims ]. Neither they, nor the land on which they stand, nor their cross, nor
    their possessions will be encroached upon or partly seized. The people will not be compelled [
    yakrahuna ] in religion, nor any one of them be maltreated [ yadarruna ]. No Jews should reside with
    them in Aelia. The people of Aelia must pay the jizyah tax like ahl al-Mada’in the people of the [ other ]
    region / cities, they mustr expel the Byzantines and the robbers. As for those [ the First Byzantine Group ]
    who will leave [ Aelia ] , their lives and possessions shall be safeguarded until they reach the place of
    safety, and as for those [ the second Byzantine Group ] who [ choose to ] remain, they will be safe. They
    will have to pay tax like the people of Aelia. Those people of Aelia who would like to leave with the
    Byzantines, take their possessions and abondon their churches and crosses will be safe until they reach
    their place of safety. Whosoever was in Aelia from the people of the land [ e.g. , refugees from the villages
    who sought refuge in Aelia ] before the murder of fulan may remain in Aelia if they wish, but they must
    pay tax like the people of Aelia. Those who wish may go with the Byzantines, and those who wish may
    return to their families. Nothing will be taken from them until their harvest has been reaped. The contents
    of this Assurance of safety are under the covenant of God, are the responsibilities of His prophet, of the
    Caliphs, and of the Faithful if [ the people of Aelia ] pay the tax according to their obligations. The
    persons who attest to it are: Khalid Ibn al-Walid, Amr Ibn al-‘As, Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf, and
    Mu’awiyah Ibn Abi Sufyan. This Assurance of safety was written and prepared in the year 15 [ AH ].

  14. Concerning Al-Ghazali, he is a great imam and I never rejected him! I say that the resources you provided are either written by orientalists that did not mention the matter as it should be, or you misunderstanded, and this was brought to you previously from

    The source for Ghazali's statement:

    …the dhimmi is obliged not to mention Allah or His Apostle…Jews, Christians, and Majians must pay the jizya [poll tax on non-Muslims]…on offering up the jizya, the dhimmi must hang his head while the official takes hold of his beard and hits [the dhimmi] on the protruberant bone beneath his ear [i.e., the mandible]… They are not permitted to ostentatiously display their wine or church bells…their houses may not be higher than the Muslim’s, no matter how low that is. The dhimmi may not ride an elegant horse or mule; he may ride a donkey only if the saddle[-work] is of wood. He may not walk on the good part of the road. They [the dhimmis] have to wear [an identifying] patch [on their clothing], even women, and even in the [public] baths…[dhimmis] must hold their tongue….

    is documented as being from here:

    Al-Ghazali (d. 1111). Kitab al-Wagiz fi fiqh madhab al-imam al-Safi’i, Beirut, 1979, pp. 186, 190-91; 199-200; 202-203. [English translation by Dr. Michael Schub.]

    If indeed the quote is inaccurate, please give me yours.

    Also, you write: "Further, you deny the idea of killing of jews by muslims!!!"

    Oh, on the contrary: I never said any such thing, since the history of Islam is replete with the murder of Jews at the hands of Muslims.

    You write:"Muslims do not fight for money or for obligation of islam, and the proof is that you have your right to worship any religion you like."

    This is obviously not true. How can you say such a thing when Saudi Arabia allows no churches or synagogues in their country?

    You claim: "Jews are those who always start, not muslims."

    Jews always start? This from the person who faked 4 comments to this post in order to deceive me and then claimed that Muslims never lie--and now you tell me that Jews ALWAYS start?

    Are the Muslim massacres of Jews during the 1400's through 1800's all the fault of the Jews?

    You claim the jizya is nothing more than the non-Muslim equivalent of the tax Muslims pay. If they pay the same amount, as you claim, why are they separate. If they are the same amount--prove it. Show me the sources that describe the amount each is.

    Meanwhile, the New York Times has the story of the murder of a Christian clergyman when the tax was not paid: For Iraqi Christians, Money Bought Survival

    Do you actually deny what the Imam I quoted in the earlier comment said about the Hadith saying that rocks will reveal Jews hiding behind them so that they will be killed?

    If you say the translations are inaccurate, supply your own.

  15. Anonymous3:01 AM

    OK! This requires that I return to original arabic sources. I will look in the corresponding book you mentioned (Al-Wajeez Fi fiqh al-shafi'y) and I look for the text you mentioned. Then, I will give you its translation. All of this requires time so that I can download the book in e-book format and search for it. I will be back inshalla once finished.

  16. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Ghaza is calling the world ...

    And now what do you say?? Does religion of israel allow them to kill children and women??

    And you say that Islam likes to fight??? Who likes to fight, Ha?
    Who started first: we or them? Who came to our land in 1948? Weren't people living in peace before 1948??

    Israel must be eliminated.
    If your heart does not cry on those killed from palestinians then you are not a human.

  17. I am amazed by your heartlessness!

    Apparently you condone the purposeful murder of innocent children by Palestinian terrorists who target children.

    Shame on you for your viciousness!!

    You falsely claim that there was peace in the land before 1948 and have the gall to make believe that you are not aware of the massacre of innocent Jews in Hebron. You know full well that in 1929 Arab Palestinians murdered Jews--and Americans:

    8 AMERICANS LISTED IN 70 HEBRON DEAD; Attack on Rabbinical College Was Savage--18 Killed in Banker's House. WOMEN AND CHILDREN SLAIN Newly Wed American Woman Is Seriously Injured--New Yorkers Among Killed. Some of the Resident Victims. 8 AMERICANS LISTED IN 70 HEBRON DEAD

    From a Staff Correspondent of The New York Times. Wireless to THE NEW YORK TIMES.
    August 27, 1929, Tuesday
    Page 1, 498 words
    JERUSALEM, Aug. 26.--The latest corrected reports of the casualties at Hebron give more than seventy dead. Of the 190 students in the Slobodka Rabbinical College, thirty were killed, eight of whom were Americans. Following is the casualty list among the Americans

    I find it disgusting that you find no fault in the Arab murder of innocent children.

    I find it outrageous that you do not condemn the cowardly Hamas that hides like frightened women among children so that their own people are killed rather than fight.

    You say Israel should be eliminated? My heart cries for the poor Gazans who suffer under their terrorist rulers.

    It is a pity that your heart does not!

  18. Anonymous9:46 AM

    First: newyork time is not the only source. Hundred of official sources did not mention that.

    Second: this is between Muslims and Jews so why are you in between? If you are jewish then I will have other way to talk with you except if zakariya botros is jewish!!!

    Third: Mosques, homes and schools are destroyed over children and women. If Israel does not fight Ghaza people and just Hamas, why don't they allow the medical care units and the trucks carried with foods to enter to support those who were not the target?
    And why a woman plus her children were killed after saying that they don't aim to kill women and children?

    Fourth: the best thing that we have is that Allah supports muslims and does not support jews. Allah promised that jews will be eliminated, so accept it or refuse it, Allah will do what he wants at the end.

    Fifth: you say that hamas killed children of israel, then why don't they publish official videos showing that they did that??

    Sixth: Hamas hides like women?? However, I am not Hamas at all, but I am with the truth. Israeli murdered hundrends of children, then how many children Hamas did kill, ha? Hamas is not hiding at all. Give them weopons like israel and see if they hide.

    Seventh: Did you hear what an israeli soldier said on Al-Jazeera? OR you don't know arabic?? However: He announced that anyone who supports hamas is hamas, even if was a child. And Anyone who is supporting them, must be killed. We conclude that killing children and women who like hamas shall be killed.

    Eighth: Further, another one has pronounced that they don't respect the international law and UN do not say any to them. If hamas are the terrorists, why don't UN stop them by force, ha? Aren't UN against terrorism??
    But those who have your opinion are very few, so they don't do that.

    Last: say whatever you want, one who fights children and women must be killed and if you reject that, there is a day for judgment in front of Allah, the creator of the globe ... Tell him when you meet him that Hamas killed Israeli. But remember one thing: Allah alone ONLY knows what each did and what each killed, and each will stand in front of Allah, and Allah judges, and neither me nor you do.

    Accept it or reject it.

  19. You write:

    Allah promised that jews will be eliminated, so accept it or refuse it, Allah will do what he wants at the end.

    How nice that finally you come out and admit this.

    You also wrote:

    I have many christian friends, and we all live in peace, but never thought in hatred because each live in peace and each understand that each one is not terrorist, and we all know who are the terrorists

    And you claim that Muslims never lie...

  20. My dear, it becomes clear how confused you are about the facts--you claim Israel prevents medical aid to Palestinians, yet:

    Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit said on Sunday the Islamist group Hamas was not allowing Palestinians wounded in Israel's attacks on Gaza to cross into Egypt for treatment.

    "We are waiting for the wounded Palestinians to cross. They are not being allowed to cross," he told reporters. Asked who was to blame, he said: "Ask the party in control on the ground in Gaza."

    And since Gheit is a Muslim, and as you have said before that Muslims never lie, we now know the truth, do we not?

  21. In truth, you claims are difficult to understand

    First: newyork time is not the only source. Hundred of official sources did not mention that.

    What does this have to do with anything?

    Second: this is between Muslims and Jews so why are you in between? If you are jewish then I will have other way to talk with you except if zakariya botros is jewish!!!

    why would you have different ways of speaking? The truth is the truth!

    Third: Mosques, homes and schools are destroyed over children and women. If Israel does not fight Ghaza people and just Hamas, why don't they allow the medical care units and the trucks carried with foods to enter to support those who were not the target?
    And why a woman plus her children were killed after saying that they don't aim to kill women and children?

    I already showed above that this is not true. Any other claims you make must be documented in order to be taken seriously.

    Fourth: the best thing that we have is that Allah supports muslims and does not support jews. Allah promised that jews will be eliminated, so accept it or refuse it, Allah will do what he wants at the end.

    As I wrote earlier, it is good that you finally came out and wrote the truth. This is nothing new of course, as the entire history of Muslim conquest and occupation bears testimony to this say fact. And don't be so modest! We all you feel the same way about ALL non-Muslims!!

    Fifth: you say that hamas killed children of israel, then why don't they publish official videos showing that they did that??

    I can see why this would be difficult for you to understand. You see, rightly or wrongly, Jews have too much respect for life and for the many victims of Islamist terror to merely parade around dead bodies and their pictures

    Sixth: Hamas hides like women?? However, I am not Hamas at all, but I am with the truth. Israeli murdered hundrends of children, then how many children Hamas did kill, ha? Hamas is not hiding at all. Give them weopons like israel and see if they hide.

    Ha, you say? I am so sorry for you that you cannot see the obvious difference between Muslims who purposely single out women and children to murder as opposed to Israel--when Gazan women and children are killed it is because Islamist terrorists hide among them.

    Seventh: Did you hear what an israeli soldier said on Al-Jazeera? OR you don't know arabic?? However: He announced that anyone who supports hamas is hamas, even if was a child. And Anyone who is supporting them, must be killed. We conclude that killing children and women who like hamas shall be killed.

    Once again, you insist on claiming things without providing proof.

    Eighth: Further, another one has pronounced that they don't respect the international law and UN do not say any to them. If hamas are the terrorists, why don't UN stop them by force, ha? Aren't UN against terrorism??

    And again--you bring no proof to your claims. That's OK, by now I am used to it and ignore it accordingly.

    But those who have your opinion are very few, so they don't do that.

    You mistake numbers for truth

    Last: say whatever you want, one who fights children and women must be killed and if you reject that, there is a day for judgment in front of Allah, the creator of the globe ... Tell him when you meet him that Hamas killed Israeli. But remember one thing: Allah alone ONLY knows what each did and what each killed, and each will stand in front of Allah, and Allah judges, and neither me nor you do.

    I am so glad I read your comments to the very end!!! Now I see that you have seen the light! You are of course 100% correct: "one who fights children and women must be killed" I am so glad that you have seen the truth and now support what Israel is doing in Gaza!!! Bless you for your wisdom!

  22. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Although children and women were killed, more than a thousand of the innocents died, and those who call themselves Muslims only in the Civil Status Card but in fact they are very far away from Islam did not allow aids to Palestinians in the beginning of the war, the usage of prohibited guns, and although Gaza is only 360 square kilometers and Israel used more than 1,000,000 kgs of explosives and weopons, all of that did not weaken the strong, champions of Gaza and Hamas, and Hamas bet that weak Israeli, who think they are the choosen. It is enough glory that who are killed of us are in the paradise, and who are killed from Israeli are in the hot hellfire. To everyone who say that Islam = terror, I say to him go learn how to distinguish A from B so that you may become mature and can distinguish the real terrorists. Hundreds of video recordings proved that Israel in this last war is the number-1 terrorist in the world, and believe me, elimination of Israel is not far.

  23. Oh yes, let us praise those the strong, champions of Hamas--those pathetic cowards. The ones who--when they are not fleeing dressed as women--are instead cowering behind the skirts of women, or behind children, or as those brave leaders of Hamas did--hid beneath a hospital. How Mohammed must be rolling over in his grave to see how the Muslims who invaded and occupied the lands of Europe (before being beaten back)--have been reduced to the pitiful terrorists of Hamas who have brought such shame upon the Palestinian Arabs.

    Let's hear it for the brave Hamas who, when they are not bravely firing rockets at Israeli children are instead torturing and killing their fellow Palestinians--oblivious to what the Koran says against killing fellow Muslims.

    The only thing more pathetic than Hamas is your pitiful attempt to defend them.

    Hamas does not impress the world, and your excuses do not impress me.


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