Monday, September 08, 2008

Nachum Segal Interviews Malcolm Hoenlein, September 5

Nachum Segal interviewed Malcolm Hoenlein on Friday:
Nachum interviewed Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, who called in live for the latest Weekly Update. Nachum began by asking Malcolm about the discovery of a 2,100 year old wall on Mt. Zion and other major archaeological finds in recent days. Nachum and Malcolm discussed the upcoming elections in lieu of new developments and once again stressed the importance of registering to vote and getting involved in the political process. They covered several other topics including: the lack of discussion regarding foreign policy in the political conventions, news from Georgia and the reactions by the Presidential candidates, the possible affect of the Vice Presidential candidates on the upcoming elections, specifically in regard to their foreign policy views/experience, Prime Minister Olmert and the latest news from Israel, and MUCH more. When discussing Vice Presidential candidate, Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska, Malcolm reminded Nachum and the listeners that Alaska Airlines was used to fly Yemenite Jews out of Yemen in Operation Magic Carpet. Click the link to listen.

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