Monday, September 08, 2008

Rally Against Ahmadinejad, September 22 (2 Updates)

From an email:
Dear members and friends of the American Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists!

Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad is scheduled
to speak during the United Nations General Assembly's general assembly

The Organized Jewish community is planning a rally to be held in
Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
at 47th Street and UN Plaza (First Avenue)
at noon on Monday, September 22nd.

Speakers will raise concerns about Iran's nuclear ambitions, its record of human
rights violations, and its threats against Israel, a fellow UN member-state.

We at AAJLJ join the other organizationsin standing with Israel and in support for the war against global terrorism
and its state sponsors. We reject Ahmadinejad and his message of hate and the immorality he represents.

On September 22nd, tens of thousands of supporters of Israel will gather again across the street
from United Nations headquarters to protest against President Ahmadinejad of Iran.

A man who brings shame to the world has no place anywhere.
He must be excluded from all groups of international nations!

Please come and take part in this rally against the new Hitler who wants to wipe Israel off the map.

Update: Hillary Clinton bows out and Sarah Palin is disinvited

Update2: You can read a copy of the speech Sarah Palin was going to give at the rally.

Technorati Tag: and .


  1. This little old Christian... me... Maysman... has something to say to the Council of Presidents at
    ... and it is not complimentary...
    Sample... my ending remark...
    Semper Fi, my Jewish friends, but this time you have disgraced yourselves...

  2. Hi Daled... From my blog...

    ... —-You dare invite ME, Maysman, to stand with you when you are so cowardly as to disinvite a woman who is one of your supporters and who has a 50% chance to be the next Vice President of the United States…
    —-Semper Fi, my Jewish friends… but you disgraced yourselves this time…
    —-My United States Marines walk towards the fire and fight for you… they never run away…


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