Friday, November 07, 2008

Ahmadinejad Congratulates Obama--Without Preconditions

From Fox News:
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Thursday congratulated Barack Obama on his election win -- the first time an Iranian leader has offered such wishes to a U.S. president-elect since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

An analyst said the statement was a gesture from the hard-line president that he's open to some sort of reconciliation with the U.S.
No doubt talking with Iran will be at least as successful as the talks over the years with Syria have been.

The article concludes:
Saeed Leilaz, an independent analyst in Tehran, said Ahmadinejad's message was a "positive step" that now leaves Washington with the responsibility for the next one. 
Well, maybe one condition...

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  1. I think it can only be a good thing that the world has voted in favor of Obama. I have talked to my friends from other countries and they are all pro Obama and feel like if he does nothing else he will at least improve foreign relations. the liberal illuminati have use this as one of his selling points. i think it's that they weren't lying about. We will see.

  2. The only way he will improve foreign relations is if he goes along with the policies and programs that they espouse. If he should decide to act independently of the global consensus, he will find himself with the same problem that Bush did.

    If the Islamist threat intensifies, then such a divergence is that much more likely to occur.


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