Thursday, November 06, 2008

Obama Needs To Master Distribution Before Moving On To Re-Distribution

The logical place to start would be to pay the people who worked on his campaign:
Lines were long and tempers flared Wednesday not to vote but to get paid for canvassing for Barack Obama. Several hundred people are still waiting to get their pay for last-minute campaigning. Police were called to the Obama campaign office on North Meridian Street downtown to control the crowd.

The line was long and the crowd was angry at times.

"I want my money today! It's my money. I want it right now!" yelled one former campaign worker...
Maybe his staff is still working on weeding out all of those illegal campaign contributions...

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  1. hopefully this isn't a sign of things to come. I have been reading about this and so many people are acting like Obama is stiffing people personally. that is not exactly what's happening but it is shady. And of course all the liberal illuminati are sweeping this under the rug. The people did get paid at a lower rate than told. Hopefully we get get a bate and switch like that with Obama.

  2. The problem is that no one in the media bothered to really pin Obama down on specifics, so people were left to believe whatever they wanted to believe.


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