Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Obama And Netanyahu? Sounds Like A Match To Me...

But not to Jeff Barak at The Jerusalem Post:
If the opinion polls are right, Israel and the United States are on a collision course. The predicted election victories of Barack Obama for the US presidency and Binyamin Netanyahu in next February's elections here promise a return of the frosty relations when Bill Clinton was in the White House and Netanyahu had his disastrous first term in the Prime Minister's Office.

For our American readers, let me stress that this is not a reason not to vote Obama. The problem is not with the young Democratic senator; the issue is the likelihood that an unreconstructed Netanyahu will form the next government despite having nothing to offer the country except for empty rhetoric and diplomatic stagnation.
OK, so Obama is offering to talk unconditionally with any dictator who can breathe--but one out of two ain't bad.

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