Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Pew Survey: Anti-Semitism On The Rise In Europe

According to Pew's research:
A disturbing new trend is emerging across Europe. Anti-Semitism and xenophobia are on the rise. A growing minority of citizens in several European countries holds unfavorable opinions of Jews. Negative views of Israel, sympathy with the Palestinian cause, rising anti-Americanism, and a backlash against globalization and immigration all play a role in this trend.

Research by the Pew Research Center's Global Attitudes Project, as well as polls by the Anti-Defamation League, make clear that anti-Jewish sentiments are increasing. Granted, the breadth of European anti-Semitism should not be overstated. This rise in negative attitudes toward Jews has for the most part been modest, and anti-Jewish sentiments in Europe remain much less common than anti-Muslim views.
I'm not sure that the rise in Anti-Semitism can be called 'modest', or that Anti-Semitism can really be compared with anti-Muslim sentiment--after all Jews tend to try to fit in and generally do not go around blowing people up.

In any case, according to the actual report, Anti-Semitism increased in the 6 countries surveyed from 21% (in 2005) to 30% (in 2008), while anti-Muslim sentiment rose from 35% (in 2005) to 42% (in 2008). 

According to those numbers, Anti-Semitism increased close to 50% while anti-Muslim feelings increased 20%--since when is 50% a modest increase?

This Pew report in general seems to have been swept under the carpet, just as the implications of the report itself have been--by the researchers themselves.

Crossposted on Soccer Dad

[Hat tip: Hot Air]

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