Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Obama Presidency: Will The "Racist" Accusation Still Be Used?

Peter Kirsanow writes:
Obama will get the most lavish and extended honeymoon in history. Every time he walks to the podium without falling down will be trumpeted as the greatest accomplishment since MacArthur returned to the Philippines. It will be the natural tendency of Republicans to join in the praise, and worse, to try to be "bipartisan" when it comes to legislation that is manifestly bad for the country and abhorrent to conservative principles. This tendency will be magnified by the Republicans' fear that any opposition to Obama's policies will be portrayed as motivated by racism rather than principle.
Will the threat of civil war and blood in the streets be brought up when a contentious bill comes before Congress or when--hey, it could happen--the Congress threatens to override a veto?

At what point does Obama become a human being?

Crossposted on Soccer Dad

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