Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Obama Wins--And The Middle East Gets The Message

Apparently Hamas sees the election as a green light to pursue business as usual. Meanwhile, Israel may see Obama's upcoming term as motivation not to sit back and talk blithly about giving the 'truce' a chance.

From The Jerusalem Post:
A barrage of rockets hit Gaza-belt communities Wednesday morning after IDF forces engaged Hamas gunmen inside the Strip. It was the worst outbreak of violence since a shaky cease-fire took effect in June.

At least 30 rockets were fired into Israel, three of which landed in the western Negev, damaging several greenhouses. Two rockets fell in Ashkelon, one of which hit a residential neighborhood, sending three people into shock.

Israel ordered the Gaza crossings closed following the attacks, but while tensions ran high, Israeli officials said they remained committed to the cease-fire with Hamas, stressing that the operation was an isolated one.

Seven Israeli soldiers were wounded and six gunmen were reported killed in the fresh clashes, which began when IDF special forces entered Gaza in order to blow up a tunnel dug by Hamas terrorists for the purpose of kidnapping IDF soldiers.
If Israel has any thought at all of taking action against Iran, everyone now knows it will have to happen before Obama takes office. For that matter, considering the pressures that Obama will apply on Israel, it may already be too late.

Crossposted on Soccer Dad

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