Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Apparently Obama Gets To Reverse Previous Policy--But Not Israel

World Net Daily is reporting:

The Palestinian Authority received a guarantee from President Obama's administration that understandings reached with Israel during U.S.-backed negotiations while President Bush was in office would be utilized as starting points for current and future talks with the Jewish state, top PA officials told WND.

With new general Israeli elections scheduled for next week, the move could limit the incoming Israeli prime minister, since the PA can point to points of agreement during previous talks between Bush and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

In an article back in November, WND indicated that Condoleezza Rice had the Palestinian and Israeli negotiating teams draw up notes and documents

to ensure the incoming administration of President-elect Barack Obama will not need to start negotiations here from scratch...

Obviously, that is going to place constraints on the incoming Prime Minister--regardless of who is elected, just as notes from the Camp David talks in 2000 about borders have been used as the starting point for recent talks with the the PA.

There is still a certain irony to reports that Obama is going to treat those understandings as irreversible:
As a matter of fact:
Transition advisers to President-elect Barack Obama have compiled a list of about 200 Bush administration actions and executive orders that could be swiftly undone to reverse White House policies on climate change, stem cell research, reproductive rights and other issues, according to congressional Democrats, campaign aides and experts working with the transition team.
It is especially noteworthy that apparently Obama would not recognize the ability of the next Prime Minister to reverse decisions made by Olmert, considering:
  • Olmert was never elected to be Prime Minister*
  • Olmert's favorable rating in polls was in the single digits while the most recent agreements were made
  • There are ethical issues hanging over Olmert's head
And if Netanyahu should win the election, he will have a mandate--for change.

*My history is off:
On January 4, 2006, Sharon suffered a massive stroke that left him unable to perform his dutires as prime minister. On January 5, Olmert was given acting prime ministerial duties to keep the government running effectively in Sharon's absence. Also on January 5, Olmert held his first cabinet meeting to signal the transfer of power. Olmert remained acting Prime Minister until the Israeli elections, which took place on March 28, 2006.
Crossposted on Soccer Dad

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