Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The Latest From CAMERA

From an email:

Here is a collection of CAMERA's latest work: corrections obtained, investigations, analyses, poignant stories collected, exposes of perfidy...

Israeli Soldier's Letter to Gazans:

"I am the Soldier Who Slept in Your Home"

: Please read and then forward this compelling and important "open letter" to your senators, congressional rep, editors, clergy, friends and family. With compassion and sensitivity, an Israeli soldier points out the actions Palestinian moderates must take if there is ever to be peace.
Click here to read letter:
CAMERA Prompts Wall Street Journal Correction on UN Truck Incident

Click here to read correction.


Jimmy Carter Has a New Book with New Falsehoods

Click here to read our analysis of Carter's latest collection of distortions,
falsehoods and absurdities.



Sign the SPME Statement on Discrimination Against Israeli Academics & Institutions

Please forward this petition to professors and others who work for a university or college. Scholars for Peace in the Middle East is working to get 10,000 signatures on this petition protesting discrimination against Israeli academics and institutions.

To sign the petition, click here.


UNRWA's Ties to Terrorism

Click here to read about the connections between the UN and Palestinian terrorists.

UNRWA School NOT Hit

Another alleged "Israeli war crime" debunked, but media ignore new info


CAMERA Prompts NY Times Editors' Note
on Hoax Quote from Rashid Khalidi

Click here to read Times Editors finally reveal that a quotation supposedly from an Israeli official that Rashid Khalidi wrote about could not be substantiated anywhere.


Jimmy Carter Still a Shill for Hamas

Carter Continues to Disseminate Falsehoods in Promotions for New Book

Click here to read more.


Palestinain Civilian Casualty Statistics Questioned

Click here to see our analysis of the questionable statistics.


"Destroyed" Al Quds Hospital Back to Normal Just Days Later

Palestinian Media Manipulation and Gullible Editors. Click here for story.


Diana Buttu: Palestinian Rockets "Don't Explode"!

The viewing public does seem to believe just about anything
the slick Palestinian spokespersons spew, but perhaps we found the limit of
the public's gullibility: rockets that "don't explode". Click here for the story.


Hamas' Palestinian Victims: Human Shields
Hamas's war crimes against its own Palestinian people is one of the
most important but under-reported stories of the war.
Click here to read about it.


Khalil's Latest Story Full of Holes

CAMERA tracks the latest round of inconsistencies in Khalil's "reports".
Click here to read more.


Media, UNRWA Silent on Aid Convoy Attacked by Hamas
Typical double standard revealed. Click here to read about it.


Moyers Hunkers Down
Moyers is shocked by the deluge of criticism about his remarks,
but he continues to unfairly malign Israel. Click here to read about
Moyers' response to the calls and letters he received.


60 Minutes' Bob Simon Smears Settlers as Main Obstacle to Peace
A million Arabs are citizens of Israel, but the possibility of
Jews continuing to live in Judea and Samaria is said by Bob Simon
to be the main obstacle to peace in the Middle East. Arab terrorism,
extremism, bigotry, rejection of any compromise....not obstacles
to peace apparently in Simon's worldview. Click here to read more.


Hamas Manipulates UN with Dubious Casualty Figures



LA Times' Khalil Continues to Ignore Hamas Rockets in Times of "Truce"

Are there any adults in charge at the Los Angeles Times?


CAMERA Op-Ed in Boston Globe Exposes Truth About Hamas


C-Span Hosts are Silent as Bigots Rant

Shocking anti-Semitic rants are routinely allowed and go uncriticised by host.
Click here to read more. C-Span has told CAMERA members who protested the bigotry that the network will be changing their hands-off policy on how to respond to racist and anti-Semitic comments from callers.



Los Angeles Times Finally Makes Clear that Holy Land Foundation Leaders Were Convicted, Not Just Charged


Hamas Attempts to Hijack Ambulances
to Transport Unwounded Fighters Out of Danger

Ha'aretz once again refuses to correct its error about an important

Please continue to read CAMERA's latest work by regularly visiting
CAMERA's website, , and Snapshots Blog,

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