Sunday, December 20, 2009

Hariri And Al-Asad Meet To Bury Hatchet--No Word Yet In Whom

Keep in mind that--as this piece points out--Sa'ad Al-Hariri's father was murdered: allegedly by Syria. Such are politics in the Middle East:
Newly-elected Lebanese Prime Minister Sa’ad Al-Hariri flew to Damascus on Saturday to meet with his longtime foe, Syrian President Bashar Al-Asad. The meeting was cloaked in warmth and camaraderie, signaling a new chapter in the relationship between the Middle Eastern neighbors. Syria has been the primary suspect behind the 2005 murder of Hariri’s father, Rafiq: a killing that ultimately led to Syrian troops being expelled from Lebanon. But it was a green light from Al-Asad that paved the way for a unity government led by Al-Hariri to be seated in Beirut. One recent indication of the new alliance was approval by the new Lebanese government to allow the political manifestation of the Hezbollah terrorist organization – which sits in the government and holds cabinet positions -- to win approval to maintain its weapons contrary to United Nations resolutions demanding that the group be disarmed.

What Me Worry?
I guess it only seems fair that if Ahmadinejad has his puppet in Lebanon in Hizbollah that Syria should have one too.

Technorati Tag: and and and .

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