Friday, December 18, 2009

Livni Barred From Britain, While Hizullah Safe At The Sarbonne

Now there's an interesting study in contrasts--
UK court issued arrest warrant for Livni

A British court issued an arrest warrant for former Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni on war crimes charges but withdrew it on finding she had canceled a planned trip to Britain, the Guardian newspaper reported.

Meanwhile, in France:

Human-rights group protests Hezbollah event at Sorbonne

A French human rights group Thursday protested the appearance of a member of the militant anti-Israel group Hezbollah at the Sorbonne.

In a letter addressed to the president of the Paris-based university, the International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism (LICRA) expressed its 'indignation' at the appearance there of Ali Fayad, a member of Hezbollah's political bureau, on December 12.

'For LICRA, the organization with its permission of such an event at the Sorbonne, cradle of the humanities and historic symbol of human rights, is as shocking as it is incomprehensible,' the group said in a statement.

Shocking? Nonsense--these days it is très chic to be a terrorist.
And if are supportive, you get your own kafiyyeh!

Let's see the PBS Telethon beat that...

Meanwhile, Hizbollah's terrorism and murder is buried.

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