Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Gaza Flotilla: Bullet Proof Vests, Rifle Scopes And Stun Grenades Found Aboard Mavi Marnara

More has been uncovered aboard the Mavi Marmara--the only ship of the Gaza Flotilla that resisted the IDF as they boarded the ship. That was after the IDF gave them the option to redirect to Israel, from where they would be allowed to personally oversea the delivery of their aid to Gaza after it was inspected.

Clearly, unlike the other ships, the Mavi Marmara never had any intention of going quietly:

Electric saw used to saw metal rods off of the Marnara's deck. These rods were used to attack the Israeli soldiers boarding the ship

As the following video documents, some of the "humanitarian activists" came armed with stun grenades. That is not all that surprising, considering the terrorist ties of the Turkish IHH, which was implicated in the attempted Millenium bombing attempt on Los Angeles International Airport.

There is no doubt Mavi Marmara came prepared--but not for humanitarian purposes.
For this, Turkey must be held responsible.

[Hat tip: HonestReporting]

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