Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Why The Blockade of Gaza Is Necessary, Even With The Terrorist Tunnels

Forget about the legality of Israel's blockade of Gaza or of boarding the ships of the Flotilla. The media has been questioning the need for a blockade of Gaza altogether, in light of the ability of Hamas terrorists to get what they want via the tunnels.

Lee Smith, author of The Strong Horse: Power, Politics, and the Clash of Arab Civilizations, commented yesterday:

UNIFIL is supposed to be preventing arms shipments to Hezbollah, but is not doing the job or else the Israeli navy would not have had to apprehend the Francop. There is no UNIFIL for Gaza and hence wiithout a blockade the Iranians and Syrians could send basically anything they wanted, including many weapons they can't get through the tunnels, not least of all because the Egyptians don't want, for instance, scuds on their border either. Moreover, the blockade is what will ensure that Iran cannot harden its nuclear program by sending nuclear material to Gaza - as it may very well to Lebanon.
Something the media should keep in mind as it continues to offer its opinions about the ambush of the IDF aboard the Gaza Flotilla.

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