Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Gaza Flotilla: A Reminder About One Of The Major Players (Updated)

Claudia Rosett writes:
But one of the main players appears to be Turkey. It was a Turkish ship, the Mavi Marmara, which after a big sendoff from Turkey apparently took the lead in the flotilla, its passengers professing nonviolence while waiting with knives and metal cudgels to start a fight. And in Turkey, a lead player in this bloody exercise has been a Turkish foundation, the radical Islamist IHH, or Foundation for Human Rights, Liberties, and Humanitarian Relief. The IHH enjoys consultative status with the UN as a non-governmental organization, or NGO, has an office in Gaza, and has apparently been taking part in this Gaza stunt with the blessing of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan. Far from serving as a seal of good housekeeping for the IHH, such ties ought to call into question the judgment of both the UN and Erdogan.

For details on what led a French magistrate in the 1990s to explore IHH connections to terrorist organizations, including al-Qaeda, a piece of required reading  is a working paper released in 2006 by the Danish Institute for International Studies: “The Role of Islamic Charities in International Terrorist Recruitment and Financing.” The entire report is illuminating, but for the section on the IHH, scroll to pages 10-14.  When this report was written, the IHH was active in providing “charitable donations” to what were then “rebel-dominated areas of restive Sunni central Iraq.”
Both Turkey and the UN legitimize a terrorist group--not surprising.

UPDATE: And let's not forget what the organizer of the Gaza Flotilla--IHH--has done for the US:
Interestingly, the Union of Good may not only be tied to Hamas. Included in the Israeli list of 36 designees was the International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO). In 2006, both the U.S. government and the United Nations designated the IIRO branch offices in Indonesia and the Philippines for financing al Qaeda. French magistrate Jean-Louis Brougiere also testified that IHH had an "important role" in Ahmed Ressam's failed "millennium plot" to bomb the Los Angeles airport in late 1999.
In the case of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. Abdurahman Muhammad Alamoudi
During the April 2001 trial of would-be Millenium bomber Ahmed Ressam, federal
prosecutors called French counter-terrorism magistrate Judge Jean-Louis Brugiere as an expert
witness. The transcript of his testimony states that Brugiere testified that the Turkish group IHH
had played "[a]n important role" in the Millenium bomb plot. When asked, he stated "[t]here's a
rather close relation." According to Brugiere, the IHH is located in Istanbul,Turkey. He stated:
The IHH is an NGO, but it was kind of a type of cover-up in order to obtain forged documents and also to obtain different forms of infiltration for Mujahideen in combat. And also to go and gather these Mujahideens. And finally, one of the last responsibilities that they had was also to be implicated or involved in weapons trafficking.
So just what kind of 'humanitarians' join up with terrorists?

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  1. The world mourns the terrorists and condemns the Jews. And Turkey, which instigated a war-like act against Israel is posing as the injured party. It would be funny if it wasn't for the fact that its aiming of forcing Israel to give up its right of self-defense appears to be working.

  2. Eliyahoo William Dwek11:49 AM

    The country of Britain: has condemned Israel's actions - as "barbaric." Together with the UN and other European countries.

    Let us just remember who the barbarians truly are.

    It was Britain: that went out of its way to sink the ships of escaping refugees from WW2. That is how barbaric the British are. Where was the “Humanitarian Aid” of the British then?

    And it was Churchill – who refused all the pleas of Menachem Begin, the Head of the Irgun - to stop the barbaric killing of the refugees on all the boats which the British sank.

    Churchill was no hero of WW2, as he is made out to be. He showed his true colours as a barbarian more savage than the Germans.

    Churchill could have prevented the murder of millions of Jews by Hitler. Instead, he waited for the Germans to quietly "finish the job." The European countries and the UN are in no position to talk about “Humanitarian Aid”. Their actions in WW2 show them to be savages, and less than sub-human – especially the British.


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