Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Gaza Flotilla: Why Palestinian Apologists Are So Much Better At This Than Israel

It's absurdly simple, really.

In A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth gets a chance to put its pants on, Power Line writes:
It's easy to get your side of the story out first if (1) you already know you're going to start a fight and (2) you are willing to lie about what happened. As ever, the Palestinian side met both of these criteria last night. The Israelis, by contrast, did not know in advance that they would be assaulted, though they probably should have placed a higher probability on this outcome than they did.
Read the whole thing.

And despite all the rhetoric about Israel being a 'terrorist state', everyone knows there is an excellent reason why no one tries any kind of protest against the real the real terrorist states.

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  1. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Israel’s status is slipping as governments around world condemn raid. The condemnation came from traditional enemies of the Jewish state, and from its closest friends. Regardless of what happened on the ship, the longer-term consequences for Israel could be dire. The very blockade against Gaza that Israel sought to uphold could now be undone by its own heavy-handed action...

  2. Its a double barreled strategy to delegitimize Israel and to strip it of its means of self-defense. The Red Green alliance Israel is facing today is the deadliest threat the country has faced in a generation and Israel's leaders still do NOT grasp the country is in a war for its existence. And until they do, they will keep on losing it.


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