Thursday, August 26, 2010

How Refreshing:' Activist' Not Being Used As Euphemism For 'Terrorist'

Actually, it's kind of confusing, given that the article is talking about West Bank Arabs:
Dozens of men believed to be plainclothes Palestinian security personnel broke up a gathering of activists opposed to new Mideast peace talks on Wednesday, reflecting the Palestinian leadership's sense of vulnerability as it prepares to launch negotiations with Israel next week.[emphasis added]
The article uses the word 'activist' 5 times all together, but after seeing the media use 'activist' and 'militant' to avoid the word terrorist, it just seemed odd to read an article that really was just about...activists. I suppose they couldn't find another word for it and were reduced to using the word according to its actual meaning.

The sense of vulnerability described in the article of course may just come from the fact that at this point so many of the 'Palestinian leadership'--starting with Abbas himself--are in positions they were not elected to, seeing as terms have expired and elections are postponed.

I guess the media doesn't have a euphemism for a leader like Abbas who refuses to run for reelection.
Or maybe that's included in the word 'moderate'?

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