Thursday, August 26, 2010

West Bank: Fatah, Hamas--And Hezbollah Makes Three!

Hezbollah appears to be branching out and making efforts to create a presence in the West Bank:
The Palestinian security apparatus recently conducted a wave of arrests throughout the West Bank of current and past activists suspected of attempting to renew contact with Hezbollah in order to establish infrastructure for the organization in the area, Ynet learned on Wedneseday.

A Palestinian security official reported that the Lebanese organization has made significant efforts in recent months to renew its presence in the Palestinian arena in order to carry out terror attacks against Israeli targets in the West Bank and within Israeli territory.
According to an IDF official, the goal of Hezbollah is "carrying out terrorist attacks while heavily compensating others for their involvement in them"--which of course is what Iran has been doing in Lebanon since it started a Hezbollah branch there.

The Hezbollah operative behind the recruitment is Kais Obeid, the man who kidnapped Israeli businessman Elhanan Tennenbaum to Lebanon.

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