Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Pictures From First Day Of Netanyahu's DC Meeting

The following pictures are from a selection in the flickr account of the Israeli Prime Minister:

The Prime Minister is met by Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren

I include the last picture because of something I recall reading during Bibi's first term as Prime Minister. When he came to the US to meet President Clinton for the first time, I recall there was nervousness as to how Bibi would do. 

Someone made a comment regarding when Clinton and Netanyahu exited together--I believe it was after Netanyahu addressed Congress. He was impressed by the fact that when Clinton put his hand around Bibi's shoulder (implying a certain level of dominance) Bibi put his arm around Clinton as well (implying equality).

I was not impressed by the 'insight'
But I remembered it when I saw this picture.
Bibi had better have more than this to keep from getting railroaded by Obama.

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  2. What I find fascinating is that anyone would want to be Prime Minister of Israel in the first place.


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