Wednesday, September 01, 2010

A Second Terrorist Attack

Looks like My Right Word was the first to blog about this:
New Shooting Incident Reported; 2 Injured
On the road between Kochav HaShachar and Rimonim.

UPDATE 23:42
One critical; one light.
The car went off the road into a deep ditch.

Helicopter transport to hospital.

The car was traveling between Rimonim Junction and Kochav Yaakov (which would be close to Route 60.) The critical wounded is having emergency respiration applied.
More complete details can be found at Ynet News:

Two Israelis were wounded Wednesday night in a West Bank shooting attack after Palestinian terrorists opened fire at vehicle traveling in the Ramallah area.

...The two shooting victims in Wednesay's attack were said to be a man, who sustained moderate to serious wounds, and a woman, who was lightly hurt - both in their 30s. Magen David Adom officials said the wounded man sustained leg injuries, while the woman suffered from blows as result of the vehicle overturning.

Their vehicle, which was attacked between the communities of Rimonim and Kochav Hashachar on Route 60, turned over and landed in a ditch.

IDF Central Command Spokesman Peter Lerner, who arrived at the site of the attack, said the shooting victims managed to get out of the vehicle and flee the scene.

"The wounded came out of the vehicle and ran away to the wadi, where they waited for fear that they would be killed," he said. "Later they climbed back and called for help…the army, Shin Bet, and police have launched an investigation into the incident, yet at this moment there are no leads."

The attackers apparently fired at the Israeli car from a passing vehicle, he said.
Check out Israel Matzav, who gives an overview of what is being reported and notes that the victims were taken to Hadassah Ein Karem--as opposed to Shaare Tzedek--which may indicate the severity of the wounds suffered by the man.

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