Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Supposedly They Only Want East Jerusalem--But Keep Talking About ALL Of It

In this video, Mahmoud Habbash, the Palestinian Authority Minister of Religious Affairs, threatens war over Jerusalem--and makes no distinction between East Jerusalem and all of Jerusalem:

Now again, we see that such a distinction by the Palestinian Arabs does not exist.

The World Jewish Congress met, as planned, at the David Citadel Hotel--located in West Jerusalem.

But that fact did not stop WAFA, the PLO news agency, from throwing a hissy fit:
The Department of International Relations of the PLO today expressed deep concern, because Israel opened the door to the Jewish Congress to hold its fourteenth meeting in occupied Jerusalem, which is held with the blessing and the presence of the leaders of Israel, and the participation of more than 200 representatives of Jewish groups in the world.

The action that is confirmed in a press release is a blatant defiance of the resolutions of international legitimacy, which considers all Israeli actions in Jerusalem 'is invalid and illegal', which emphasizes that Jerusalem is part and parcel of the occupied territory.

The Department stressed that the move by the State of Israel is a provocation to the feelings of Arab and Islamic nation, and that such a move would confirm that Israel continues to take all necessary measures for control of Jerusalem 'capital' eternal, and an affirmation of the Israeli
refusal to reach a just peace that guarantees the Palestinian rights in Jerusalem as the capital of an independent Palestinian state. The Department called for all relevant international and Arab bodies to stand in the face of these activities, the Israeli aggression against the holy city, stressing the need for a national conference on high-level response to the situation of Israeli activity against a just solutions to the Palestinian cause seeking to control the Islamic and Christian sanctities and its annexation to Israel. (Hat tip: IMRA)
Jerusalem is part of occupied territory? If so, for Abbas and the Palestinian Authority, to recognize even just West Jerusalem as part of Israel would be a concession--and when is the last (or first) time you ever actually saw Abbas make a concession?

Of course, recognizing the right of Israel to exist at all would also be to concede "occupied lands"--so if Abbas and the Palestinian Authority cannot even concede West Jerusalem, just what are these (or any) peace talks all about anyway?

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  1. The Palestinians cannot even concede the legitimacy of a Jewish State. Then what is the point of the moribund peace talks in the first place?

  2. The purpose is to get Israel to concede the legitimacy of a Palestinian State--and to create one.

    Nothing else matters.


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