Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Thanks Mr. Gheit, But Israel Already IS A Jewish State

If the international community defines Israel as a Jewish state -- such a decision should be approved by the UN.
Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit

Thank you for the sentiments, Mr. Gheit, but as Arlene Kushner writes (At the Approach of Rosh Hashana):
I hasten to remind him, one, that this region was allocated by the League of Nations in 1922, as being set aside for a Jewish homeland, via the Mandate for Palestine (which allocation is still valid within international law). And two, that this recognition was forthcoming a second time in 1947, when the General Assembly recommended division of Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state. There is thus more than ample precedent in international law for recognition of our state as Jewish. It's just that the Arabs have perennially refused to acknowledge this. And this, clearly, is not about to change.
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1 comment:

  1. The League Of Nations and the UN did not grant the Jews any rights; they simply acknowledged a right that always existed. But don't tell that to Egyptian Foreign Minister Aboul Gheit.


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