Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Chronology Illustrating The Continued Presence Of Jews In Israel From Roman Rule And Onward

My Right Word has compiled Chronology of the Jewish Presence In Eretz-Yisrael in the Years of the Exile, spanning the years 63BCE to 1897CE

It is broken up into the following time periods:

  • Roman Rule, 63 B.C.E. - 313 C.E.
  • Byzantine Rule, 313 - 640 C.E.
  • Persian Rule, 614-629 C.E.
  • Arab Rule, 640 - 1099
  • Crusader Rule, 1099 - 1291
  • Mameluke Rule, 1291- 1516
  • Turkish/Ottoman Rule, 1517 - 1917

Below is an embedded copy of the 10 page chronology--you can also view the chronology in its own window.

The chronology illustrates the continued Jewish presence in the land--even with the Roman expulsion, and even during the procession of various, temporary rulers over the land.

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