Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Does Soros-Supported J Street Share The Same Anti-Israel Views As The Other Groups Soros Supports?

It is an obvious question, isn't it: If J Street accepts money from Soros, then as CiF Watch points out--just how much does J Street share with Soros's other anti-Israel funded groups?
Soros’ ‘Open Society Institute’ funds a whole host of operations in Israel such as Adalah, Peace Now, Breaking the Silence, Gisha and Yesh Din. Adalah works towards a one-state ‘solution’ in which the Jewish nature of Israel would be replaced by a “democratic, bilingual and multicultural” framework. Jewish immigration would only be permitted for “humanitarian reasons.” In other words, millions of Palestinian refugees would be brought to Israel, but Jews would be severely limited in their right to immigrate as the Law of Return would have been abolished. Adalah promotes the erroneous and delegitimising concept of ‘Israeli apartheid’ and contributed significantly to the infamous Goldstone Report. Soros’ Open Society Institute has provided legal assistance to Adalah in its attempts to overturn the Israeli law which states that spouses from enemy states are not automatically granted Israeli citizenship for reasons of security. That’s not only foreign intervention in the internal legal affairs of a sovereign state, but also reckless gambling with the lives of Israeli citizens.
Read the whole thing.

So just where does J Street fit in with these other groups that seek to delegitimize Israel?

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