In addition to coverage by Fox News (view the video here), AP covered the event as well:
Marathon Pundit also has coverage of Klocek's talk at DePaul.Klocek says DePaul asked him to give up his teaching assignment with pay for the following semester and said he couldn't return until he apologized to the students and agreed to have his classes monitored.
He refused, and filed a defamation lawsuit in June 2005, claiming School for New Learning Dean Susanne Dumbleton and President Dennis Holtschneider maligned him in the media.
"Two-and-a-half years later, I have never received a written series of the charges against me, I have never received a letter that says that I am suspended, I have never received a letter saying that I am terminated, so I guess ... I'm sort of a man without an academic country," said Klocek, who received a standing ovation from some audience members when he approached the podium with a white gag tied around his mouth.
See also the blog devoted to DePaul's suspension of Klocek: Free DePaul
For more background on the incident, including DePaul's double-standard on controversial subjects and the reaction of the judge who allowed the lawsuit, see Only Anti-Israel Professors Need Apply At DePaul University
Technorati Tag: Thomas Klocek and DePaul University.

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