Friday, March 21, 2008

One Jerusalem: End of Week Review--March 21, 2008

From an email:

Dear Friend of Jerusalem

Here are some of the leading headlines, from the all-new One Jerusalem Blog:

● McCain and Obama:  As Barak Obama is consumed with trying (and in our estimation failing) to answer the question of why he could faithfully attended a church which preached hatred of America, John McCain visited Israel and made news by what he said...(read more)

● These Are Peace Partners?:  The New York Times reported on a poll of Palestinians that showed 84% approved of the attack on the Jerusalem Yeshivah.75% say they oppose the peace process. Middle East Forum has published an excellent article on the Islamic core of...(read more)

● US Ambassador: Jews will just have to leave Jerusalem:  Cited in IsraelTodayUS Ambassador to Israel Richard Jones suggested during a tour of overcrowded Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem on Monday that many Jews will just have to move out of the capital rather than expand into parts of the city...(read more)

● Flashback :: Terror Attack on Yeshiva -- 1956:  Watch this moving 4-minute movie on the April 11, 1956 attack on a Chabad Yeshiva in Israel. We stand behind Chabad's response to terrorism -- Increased Strength and Growth....(read more)

Together we can win the fight to maintain a united Jerusalem!

The One Jerusalem Team 

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