Adolf Hitler's Aryan theory rubbished by science[Hat tip: LGF]
The theory of Scandinavian racial purity cherished by Hitler and the Nazis has been rubbished by new scientific research.
The study found that bodies from 2000-year-old burial sites in eastern Denmark contained "as much genetic variation in their remains as one would expect to find in individuals of the present day".
The findings, in an analysis by the University of Copenhagen which has just been published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology, explodes the Nazis' much cherished concept of a 'superior' Nordic race.
Hitler used pseudo-scientific research to back up claims that northern Europeans could form a Master Race which would lead mankind, and even set up a breeding program between Germans and Norwegians to foster it.
The racist theory, which placed the Master Race at the top of mankind's hierarchy and Jews at the bottom, played a central role in the Holocaust.
But according to the new research, the "concept of a single Scandinavian genetic type, a Scandinavian race that wandered to Denmark, settled there, and otherwise lived in complete isolation from the rest of the world, is a fallacy".
Technorati Tag: Hitler and Master Race and Aryan Race.

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