The Fight For Jerusalem.
Besides myself, the other bloggers taking part in the conference call were Boker Tov Boulder, Atlas Shrugs, Soccer Dad, Tel Chai Nation, Meryl Yourish, American Thinker, Muqata, Daled Amos.
Among the points Ambassador Gold made were:
- Jews were the majority population in Jerusalem as far back as 1863--according to the British Foreign office, there were 15,000 residents in Jerusalem, of whom 8,000 were Jews.
- Jihadism today is not based on a feeling of having grievances against the west; it is based on victory.
- Giving over Jerusalem to the Islamic forces will increase--not decrease--terrorism and empowers the enemies of the US, Israel, and the West, just as the defeat of Russia initially empowered bin Laden and Al Qaeda. Giving away Jerusalem will create a "Jihadi Tsunami."
Technorati Tags: Dore Gold and The Fight For Jerusalem and Jerusalem.

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