An example of Brenner's thought processes: he brings his favorite quote to prove the commonality between early Zionism and Fascism:
'Nations with racial differences appear to have instincts which work against their fusion. The assimilation of the Jews of the European nations among whom they live in language, in customs, and to some extent even in the forms of religious organisation, could not eradicate the feeling of lack of kinship between them and those among whom they live. In the last resort, this instinctive feeling of lack of kinship is referable to the law of conservation of energy. For this reason it cannot be eradicated by any amount of well-meaning pressure. Nationalities do not want to be fused, they want to go each its own way.' [emphasis added]and then declares that the author of the quote is:
Albert Einstein, none other than Albert Einstein, and that's complete pseudo-science, I mean there is no law of conservation of energy and biology, races intermarry constantly. And that was typical not only of the Zionist movement but of the upper class and middle class of Europe and America of that time, and even Australia. I mean in other words they were living in the age of white imperialism, colonies all over the world. So that affected everybody in the intellectual world. [emphasis added]Pity poor Mr. Brenner, who cannot distinguish between a metaphor and pseudo-science.
And pity the Australians who have to be subject to such obvious ignorance.
Read the rest of the HonestReporting article.
Technorati Tag: Israel and Zionism and Lenni Brenner and Honest Reporting.

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